Mystery of Twins Village

By Khan Nida Mohammad Arif


When ever we saw a twins around as then we just looking to them and observe them. We are just surprised that how they are the carbon copy? How their parents find them? How their teachers punishing them when one of them done some mistakes? Is They find any difficulty in their life? They are unpredictable, unexpected and wonderful.

In India there is a village where around 1000 kids for 45 kids are twins, in world the ratio is about 1000:09 twins kids. India is 2nd largest country in population. India is miraculous country, so definitely it has to be mysterious within.

It is located in Kerala. The village name is previously is kodinhi which is now famous as twins village in the world. Kodinhi (Twins village) is Asia’s 1st village. And 2nd village in world there are higher number of twins birth in Igbo Ora, Nigeria and Brazil.

According to 2008, the Population of the village is roughly estimated 2000 families and majority of Muslims and around                 550 twins are till date.

A detail researched in 2016 by India, Germany and USA. They collected Saliva and hair sample from twins and study their DNA sample but they failed to get any informative conclusion.

Many of the people researched here but not arrive any result. Many people said this is because of chemical which is found in the water of the village. But the local people of

village said that this is a gift of god which make the village more attractive. But nobody has found out the reason behind this phenomenon.

One localist said here are 24 twins studied in same school. This started from three or fourth generation. The oldest twins pair in the village was born in 1949 and it is increasing day by date and now we find the new triple pair cases in kodhini.

Everyone needs special relationship with them we need a friend with the same age to share experiences and to enjoy life. When twins are born they becomes buddy and never feel alone one more thing is they are always connected by sole only rarely cases they don’t enjoy the companies of each other.

Twins child are gift of god but it is creating problems for same of the families. it’s difficult to handle them and when one pair get ill then doctor treat both of them because of close connection to each other. Some of doctors said if one get ill we treat both because we know other also can be.

One girl said it has no problem that we are born together I lost my mother but what’s the problem I see my aunty who has same face like my mother. if God give problems he will always give an advantage to us. One boy said if I born alone I feel lonely but we born in pairs and be the life line to each other.

When ever you want to kodhini market you can see maximize 6 or 7 twins around you so don’t be surprise. Because this is the village of carbon copies or you can say photo copies.

I believe the mysterious world

An endless prospect of magic and curiosity.


By Khan Nida Mohammad Arif, Mumbai


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