My Waste My Responsibility


Time is changing every moment and nature is coordinating with time. Where we are and where I am. That question arises then answer reflects that I am still constant and not coordinating with time. Time is sliping past and we are becoming more and more aspirational,but that aspiration become invasion for our nature.We are still irresponsible of our waste.We are responsible for every wrong action done by nature. Because we are not caring our waste. We should commence a salient war against waste or start a compaign which is different from other.We are recycling every waste,It’s just a fact. In actual way we(India) only recycle 55 to 60 percent of waste which is Non-biodegradable.This is not enough for us.Recycling compaign should be in mind of each and every single person and should be responsive.If any person reflect it’s negligence then other will do same. The Waste which we spread will travel different doors and finally come to same position.This is our regular habitat,but now we should have to vigilant.Not only viligant but we have to consider it our principle duty and moral responsibility. Most of the people collect waste from different doors for somedays and after somedays he or she become busy in other work.

They work only for appearances and nothing but.very few states in india are showing it’s role.Taking example of kerala then Government started Green protocol and still become a movement in kerala.The main problem of starting such movement in other states is that people doesn’t participate because they think that its not our duty,its a duty of our government. But,Actually goofy’s mind forget that what we are looking around us,it is our waste and we are responsible for such invasion of beautiful Nature. We should also change our lifestyle to reduce the use of solid waste,Because the main problem of management is solid waste management. Some states started Swap Shop,in which clothes, books, children’s’ toys, shoes,electronic items still be useful to someone else. Instead of throwing such articles away one could collect them in what is called Swap
shops. Most of the organization started such compaign and resulting a good response.But they faces some problem such as
1. Some people doesn’t donate their old thing,they prefer to throw away.
2. In many states NGO’s collecting swap but government is not  encouraging or providing any incentive,and last moment they fail in their mission.
In many district of states,Where poor people buy old books at half of full price and sell it in more than half price,which is being applauded. Those people are doing two hinges from a cult one is that reducing waste considering a responsibility and other is they are not unjobed/ unemployed.Government should start loan facility with less interest for such person so that they could start their swap shop.We should also become sincere about our waste that we reuse our waste or donate to other which become useful for other.We often throw water bottle outside,we throw clean plastic bags outside,Instead of throwing outside we could use it in storing materials.If we don’t want to give sometime in waste management with above suggestions then we should definitely start Home composting which is very advantageous it can help in reducing carbon footprint as well as waste generator is waste manager at same place. It’s true that when we start with ideas and model in waste management then in spite of working hard we vent in vain,but finally after somedays it became a successful cause. Most NGO is working with No Dumping’ Work in which Waste is collected from different places and
discriminated into three broad categories, organic waste, inorganic waste and sanitary waste. organic waste is sent for composting, inorganic waste is again separated to recyclable and non-recyclable waste. Recyclable waste goes for recycling and non-recyclable finds use as Alternative Fuel. This initiative is very helpful,In such initiative our responsibility is only that we provide our every wastes to them.In the COVID pandemic the Jalandhar Municipal Corporation launched ‘My Waste, My Responsibility’ campaign based on 3Rs — reduce, reuse and recycle . Which will be responsive if we actively participate.In the year of 2015, Government also ordered that  it mandatory for all road developers in the country to use waste plastic, along with bituminous mixes, for road construction. This is to help overcome the growing problem of plastic waste disposal in India. In recent days the advancement in road development shows that about 80 percent of their plastic wastes will be utilised in road construction and the problem of waste will reduced. In short if we want to see our nature beautiful and clean we ought to follow some decision like Electronic waste should always be stored separately and never be given to the kabadiwalas who take our normal dry waste by home composting it helps to reduce the garbage mess of our cities.and last decision is RECYCLING THE DRY WASTE. All these are our responsibility to make our society,atmosphere and nature clean and make our life healthy.


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