My Shero


My mother is my “Shero”, she is the most wonderful person and blessing from the great Almighty.

Unlike others, my mom prayed to God for having a girl child for having me.This not only makes her a great mother, but also a wonderful lady actually Shero, who respects and values only human beings without cataloging them in gender.
Many teen girls are trying to find true love in their life. I know it’s very common, but I never tried to find that kind of love from any guy, cause I don’t need them. My mom is always there for supporting me.
I still remember, when I was facing failure during my 10th exam. I was depressed and broken, I know it was just an exam I was kind of dumb child. However, during those days my mom taught me an important lesson and that was to never to give up and life is full of uncertainties and an exam failure is not a huge thing.
My mother is my guru who helps me in my studies and decisions. She has always guided me. People laugh at me on knowing that my mom is my first love. It is common because most of parents and children face the generation gap. But I am very lucky cause my mom is awesome. She loves to learn new things, and that’s cool. I am 19 years old, but I am still depended on my mom for choosing dresses cause she has great knowledge about girls’ fashion than me.
My mom is one of the coolest people in my world. She is one who inspires me. And without her I felt so unpleasant. She is my best friend with whom I can share everything.
Love you indefinite Times!


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