Mother’s day

PV Riya


Every day is a special day when you are with your mother. Motherhood…..  Unconditional love has different definitions for different people. Motherhood in itself defines a woman who has the art to raise her child, for some people their child defines their personality. Motherhood means nurturing or loving someone by the deepest corner of your heart without expectations.

When a baby is handed to her it is handed with number of responsibilities but they are ignored just by looking at the sight of the born called their child. Just as you nurture a plant, water it every day, love it so much and one day deny your love by getting dry it is veryheartbreaking. The same case is with a Mother she loves you with her whole and soul but one day you get so independent that you disrespect the person who brought you to this world, gave you this life. Doing so much for you she cant expect some love appreciation?

Some foolish people forget that there exists a person who gave you strength to the Captain of your ship. We tend to forget that even she is a human being though she is addressed as a living God. We forget that she needs to be showered with some love, respect gratefulness but all these things just come to our mind on one day in the whole year where people post pictures on social media with big captions were in reality do not eveother to wish her.. The special day Mother’s Day was first celebrated in the USA, in 1908 when a woman named Anna Jarvis wished to commemorate Mother’s Day as a recognized holiday to honor her mother, Ann Reese Jarvis who was a peace activist and had passed away three years prior.

Mother’s Day is celebrated on different days in different countries wherein in India it is on the second Sunday of May. Though it is different on different days the main idea behind is to take some time out of your busy routine and spend some time with her to pamper her tell her even though you can’t be with her all time you love her the most. To gift her something which she likes the most with the bouquet and heart touching card with a a special message or cooking her a meal, baking a yummy cake,  Fixing an appointment at  Beauty spa or taking her on a day out to her favorite places which matters the most instead of spending exorbitant money on expensive gifts.


Small and sweet gestures are more special than just a huge box of some electronic or gifts a sit holds a priceless place in a Mother’s heart. We cannot count the innumerable contributions to our life that they do each day.

A living angel who makes our life beautiful. Schools hold special celebrations by calling mothers of their students and giving a tribute to their hard work by a performance by the students or a skit. Even though mother should be in our thoughts every day, but it is always amazing to have a special day to cherish the existence of a mother.

God cannot exist everywhere thus a mother as a living God enters our life and makes it the most beautiful place. No one can replace her at any cost. She is the one and only person we can blindly trust on.


A mother’s job is a thankless job with no salary, no holidays and non-stop work for 365 days.Working women after a long tirinperformforms both seeing the glance of her child her happiness knows no bounds.


Mother should never be judge, never to judge without knowing their struggle it’s for her i is not only giving birth but handling the baby for 9 months and then a life time responsibility, while doing this she is not on  the mother but daughter,  sister, wif, daughter in law and lot more relations which to be perfectlctly; but the knot with her soul is a bit loose. With so many bonds a bond named your soutends to be forgotten.


“I would like to share an Acronym M for Makes Our life Truly Happy Ever loving  Righteous soul.”

                                                                 Authored by

                                                                                PV Riya


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