

Money had been a great attraction for the people for ages. The modern age is now materialistic. Being a Billionaire is a result of being very fortunate and the fruit of great dedication and hard work. ‘Billionaire’ the word itself has a lot of responsibility. If I were a Billionaire, my foremost concern would be to help the poor or the ones who are not capable of earning money by themselves because of disability or family conditions or any other reason. I will donate at least 5% of the money I have in, charity funds and women’s empowerment funds.

Being a nature admirer, I would also spend some money to plant trees because money cannot provide the fresh air that only nature and trees can provide us and sustain life to its fullest. Also, I would try to improve the financial conditions of my family. As we all know that in this Covid pandemic circumstances, many people are not able to treat themselves in hospitals which therefore results in major disability or even death. I will help them out with financial support and help them cure themselves. The longest and worst impact on education was done by this pandemic which has impacted badly students who cannot afford mobiles, laptops, tabs or desktops through which they can continue their studies and make their country and families feel proud.

Many students do not even afford to go to schools and educate themselves, helping them would be a great honour. I would help our country to turn into a developed country from just being a developing country. I would open a hospital which could treat the patients that too, free of cost so that they can be healthy and don’t worry about the money which has to be paid. I would help everyone who comes to me for help. Helping is the biggest pleasure in the world, even more than having all luxuries and money with me. Right now, I lead a life in which all ESSENTIALS are provided to me and even after being a billionaire, I would try to live simple and sober life so that I don’t waste money in an unwanted way. Blessings, which I will get by doing charity and helping, will do more wonders than just having a lot of money.

Now, what would be the Consequences after all this charity and help, what I would get would be the satisfaction which money could never give to me, Because money is something when one gets, he/she has a lust or greed to get more and more. Billionaires most of the time stay away from normal citizens of India, but I will always live near all of them because ONCE I WAS ALSO THERE. Everyone has to die one day, why not die while helping. If an emergency arises for my motherland or there is a national disaster, I would help my motherland either by giving money or giving my life. 

                                                                 Authored By

                                                                                Devanshi Singh


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