In this pandemic situation, the whole world has not been the same, anyone who tries to describe this situation starts stating before and after. This difference can be felt in various ways in life and most priorly on health -MENTAL HEALTH.
This time reason is not exactly in our hands and out of control. All people experienced at least more than one heartbreaking situation these days, some lost their loved ones, some are losing hope, some are not willing to believe they lost someone. After so much happening how can one be normal? This time the loss is so immense that every person is disturbed and is completely stuck not knowing what to do.

Everything was normal until yesterday, we were busy in our lives but at least that was all worth seeing family happy and that was all me. But suddenly from nowhere, how the world changed all of so quick. After a year and a half, we lost so much in life which drastically affected our mental health.

There is nothing more you can do, except to convince yourself not to depend on anyone and say to the subconscious you were not the reason for the loss and you dint have the way to save them because covid was unexpected by anyone nor we had known the consequences caused by it.


    Try meditating and try focusing on things.
    Try convincing yourself saying you are strong.
    Remember not only you are facing this.
    The only way you can see your future is by wearing a mask today, maintaining social distancing, and maintaining a healthy diet.

The reason for this mental health effect all started because of people not knowing what exactly they needed, Now you say we need health? But have you stopped pressurizing your children due to their academics or have you stopped pointing at them for not being in the way they were before. you would say NO,  how can we say our kids not to study? Even they are suffering from the new way of learning, it takes time to focus, give them time.

This is where it all begins your brain is stuck between normal and new normal, probably you lost control of what you needed. Not only parents and children, but this also happens everywhere, your boss and you, your employee and you, teacher and student, and this goes on.

Not in a criticizing way but you can’t think like everyone so let’s not judge anyone in this pandemic, everyone out there is helpless for their nature of not focusing on things and they are trying to heal.

This is because it’s all new to everyone, this time it’s not you who is alone suffering and I am here to help but everyone is suffering, everyone needs help, everyone is disturbed, you are just one of them.

I know you are trying to say to yourself that you want to be ok, you want to be normal. It’s gonna happen when you give yourself a little time and try to be a little more optimistic and just know you are the same person before and after, only the circumstances are to be blamed.

Another important aspect of mental health, you can never control what’s going inside except try accepting things, try to accept the reality, and say to yourself there is still time.

Mental health is not the way people think of you or treat you it’s always how you project(as a verb)  yourself and try being a better version of yourself.
Sometimes you don’t have control over things around you, this is exactly what’s right now and you can’t blame yourself for this.

Students are suffering, employees are suffering, families are also suffering, everyone are suffering,>>
All you need is hope,
    The hope of becoming who you were back then, hope to be normal again. you are preparing yourself to build a new habit and trying to accept this so-called new normal.
    Try recollecting how you were maintaining things in life and motivating your friends and being on toes, cracking silly jokes, stalking your favorite actor.
    Try remembering your good talks in tuition, walks with your friends, dreaming high, exploring things, and wanting time for yourself.
    Introvert, okay then think of your small group enjoying and your face talking to new people, having no planed Sundays, ‘your dream of long drives, always being self-sufficient.

*this is you and you never changed, stop worrying about missing previous you and work on being better than you were.

This may help you:
    Do not procrastinate, your tomorrow is also the same.
    Do not compare yourselves to others, you are unique enough to find yourself again.
    Never punish yourself, give yourself time.
    Maintain a good diet.
    Meditate and start accepting the reality.
    Wait, this is not the end. Be patient, try to control yourself.
    Worry less, obviously the situation cant be worse than this.
    Never lose your hope.

Even if you think you don’t have any time left and everything is over, Just believe me you have a lot of time and things will be okay.
                                                           THANK YOU.


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