Maybe you are not the first in the race but you are not the last in the race


A moment which comes rarely in history with an abundance of hard work, tears of dedication, the crew of perseverance and independence of exploring the moon. I strongly say that before 1969 no person on earth would believe that they will travel through the moon but one man has shown a dimension that will sparkle as bright as a star in everyone’s mind.

A reality that will lead to a new creation of dreams for the youngsters as an astronaut and a quest for the Soviet Union to survive the cold war. Today I’m going to take you to one of the most remarkable chapters of space when Neil Armstrong and his men reached the moon.

After World War 2 there have been a series of conquest between the United States of America and the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics in the field of economics, nuclear weapons and space race.

USSR started to carry out space voyages and was victorious in it. Sputnik 1 was the first artificial earth satellite by USSR on 4th October 1957 from the Soviet space program. Later the Soviet Union launched their second satellite has a life in it named Leica the dog and these two voyages took America into shock. To show the world what they are capable of America launched its first satellite named vanguard but it turned up to be a failure on 31 January 1958 explorer 1 was successfully launched.

 On 29 July 1958 lead to the creation of Nasa a space station founded by the 34th U.S. President which is based in Washington. D.C. and no person would believe its supremacy in the space world in the following years.

Nasa intended to send a man to the moon. Saturn V was a powerful rocket designed by NASA to send astronauts to the moon and the astronauts chosen for this voyage were Neil Armstrong, Michael Collins and Edwin E. Aldrin Jr. On 16th July 1969, the Saturn V was launched from Cape Canaveral Air Force Station Launch Complex 39A. Finally, on 26th July 1969, Neil Armstrong was the first man to step on the lunar and Edwin was the second man to step on the lunar and Michael   Collins was the first man alone to orbit the moon around thirty times. Neil Armstrong said to the home of billion people that That’s one small step for man, one giant leap for mankind. The American flag was the first flag put on the moon by Neil Armstrong.  In the sea of Grey, the Astronauts spent 21 hours, and 36 minutes and on the grey sea, they collected a material that weighs 47.5 pounds (21.5 kg). Richard Nixon the President of America telephoned the astronauts while they were on the moon from the white house. The astronauts returned to earth on the 24th of July. Neil Armstrong and his men have proven that

 Imagination, determination and commitment can spark one’s thoughts to reality.

                                                                     Authored By

                                                                                    Aditya Duggirala


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