Masters of their own destiny : The Sigma Gen-Z


The solo wolves who neither need a pack nor your opinion, yes, that’s the best ever definition one can give to the Sigma generation, Gen-Z! They are the generation who make themselves their own light and dust spotlights. Gen-Z has never had the history of bothering about the social ladder because they are capable enough to build their own. Against the population that chases likes, Gen-Z sits sipping Coke, reading a crime novel while not caring what you think. They are creators, not followers. They create grossing trends and leave them behind, being too cool for conformity.



Well everyone else like you and me thought we had it since 1947 but maybe we were wrong. The country can make us independent but it is the society, family and peers who actually should. But again, Gen-Z proved that fact wrong. They are the living examples who portray and carry the motive of making oneself independent from shrinking into a shell of sentiments. Practicality and Clear Vision were two traits that drove and still drive Gen-Z. Flying into vibrant colors with success has never been out of style for the generation as a whole. Emphasizing their outstanding skills in leadership and management with teamwork, they can never be outdated as they are not the Alpha “alpha” personality.

Introversion with Confidence

Gen-Z is that particular generation which seamlessly witnessed the significant increase in Introversion. Introversion is basically the idea of being quiet because opening up could destroy the speaking abilities of the opposite person. Usually, the idea of not being social was not welcome. It was said to be the worst of traits any person can promote. When the totally opposite is what was invented, the other peers were named extroverts or ambiverts. But probably being an introvert is better for the person and his surroundings, with concern for public interests.

Detachment from Social Hierarchies

The society, yeah the neighborhood aunties in the community. I mean all protruding noses that actually need to be cut off, form the new-age society. When Lakshmana’s trait was poured into the Gen-Z’s bowl of brain, the Surpanakha aka the society, all of the protruding noses, ears and mouths were put down shut. Hierarchies kept prevailing more often than offers on Amazon ever could, but Gen-Z’s trademark like always is to clear them all off with ease or rather no efforts.

Minimal need of Attention

Unlike Alpha personalities who live to seek attention, Gen-Z are those who need minimal or no attention. They are sole survivors, who manage the toughest of situations by themselves. Even if they work as a team, they are the ones who identify potential and extract the best as well as the fullest of the right, for the right. Attention is probably the last thing Gen-Z would look for, as they enjoy being left alone. They are the ones who understand the difference between being alone and lonely. They love the company of only the best people around them. Best people who? These people looking into the mirror can find them.

Strong Sense of Self

Sensing what oneself has got is one of the most important processes every single human being should undergo. Effortlessly once again, the movement of every pin on every millimeter, realization is what hits Gen-Z the hardest. They know who they are and what they are. Irrespective of the varieties of obstacles that come in line of their way, they never care or probably not even think of changing. The maturity that ultimately, the responsibility and control of oneself is in his own hands is inbuilt in Gen-Z.

Marching to the Beat of Their Own Spotify Playlist

Right when the rest of the world checks for notifications, follows the latest influencers and fights for the better trend, Gen-Z quits the chat with no trace. They live to express, not to impress. Express by trading, traveling or rather enjoy some peace in solitude far away from noise. In a generation that loves to be seen, Sigma Gen-Z is the one which proves that statements are those made without words. Afterall when you’re this independent, who needs validation?


~ S Keerthana Manasswini


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