Mahatma Gandhi – Changed India

Fardeen Arafat Nihaal


Mahatma Gandhi made one historical event which changed INDIA. He had helped India gain Independence Day after nearly a century of British imperialism rule. He had worked hard for it. Now his name is extremely famous and prominent across the globe. He was an Indian Lawyer, anti-colonial nationalist and political morality. Let’s look at it in detail.

Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi known as Mahatma Gandhi. Mahatma Gandhi was born on 2 October 1869. He was born in Porbandar. a small town on the Western Coast in Gujarat. His father’s name is Karamchand. His mother’s name is Putlibai.

He had two brothers and one sister. He went to elementary school in Porbandar. He is overly timid, bashful and shy. He was married to Kasturba when he was 13 years old, same as her.

Mahatma Gandhi went to England to study law and come back to India as a lawyer in 1890. Soon after his arrival in India, he was provided for by Dada Abdulla to go to South Africa on their benefit in connection with a lawsuit and legal action.

The turning point and the situation came into Gandhi’s life when he was not allowed to board a first class compartment in the train because he was not white. That event and the occurrence made Gandhi come out of his timidity and his shyness and he stood for his rights.

He extended and postponed his stay in South Africa and challenged and protested against the bill that denied Indians the right to vote. Gandhi lived for 21 (twenty one) years in South Africa. He started the movement called Satyagraha, he used this movement in South Africa against the unjust treatment meted out to the Indians.

His great efforts and attempts to force the British to give more freedom to the Indians residing there. He came out as a great political leader there. He decided to do this with the British where they are not giving freedom to the Indians and making them slaves.

Then Gandhi came back to India in January 1914. He came with only one ambition and aim to serve his people and bring freedom and right for India. There he dedicated himself to the service of the people and preached the vows of truth, non-killing, self-restraint and non-stealing.

Gandhi finally got active in Indian politics. He became the head and leader of the freedom struggle and within a few years he became the positive and undoubtedly leader of the national movement for freedom. Afterwards, he became the President of Indian National Congress.

During that time, the British were ruling in India. The British were slaving and made them as labour the Indians. Then Mahatma Gandhi protested against British rule and in order to give freedom to India.

Gandhi advocated non-violence and used the Satyagraha movement as his chief weapons to achieve freedom. Gandhi’s guidance also encouraged many women to be part of the freedom movement.

Many times he was arrested and was put behind the prison. But nothing could convert him from his quest for national freedom.

Under his leadership Indians irrespective of all barriers and fences took up the cry for freedom for India. The British noticed and realized that they could no longer stay in India. The British left India, India was forced to grant independence to our country on 15th August 1947. Everyone was happy and enjoyed the independence.

He brought spirituality and sacredness into politics and made it nobler and more humane devoid of hatred and violence. He was a great leader and a social morality. He was truthful and religious. He had influenced and controlled many great leaders across the globe to fight for their independence without violence.

When the British left India, there were also problems with India and Pakistan. His stress on Hindu-Muslim unity, removal of untouchability, upliftment of backward classes, development of village as centre of social development, etc. have been his lasting gifts, which have changed the face of the land.

Gandhi didn’t live long to enjoy the freedom of the nation. On January 30, 1948, he was killed and shot by Nathuram Godse, when he was on his way to an evening prayer meeting. Nathuram Godse was from the RSS party which is against Congress.

                                                                   Authored By

                                                                            Fardeen Arafat Nihaal


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