It’s been 30 years since the end of the COVID-19 pandemic, what does the world look like?


In 2019, SARS-COV 2 which causes COVID 19. This Covid-19 was formed near the wet market lab in Wuhan which is in China. COVID 19 is a transmissible disease which will cause a respiratory illness. Covid-19 is from the family of coronavirus. There were 3 similar coronaviruses such as MERS, SARS-CoV and now SARS-CoV 2 (COVID 19). This disease is a phenomenon.

The symptoms of COVID-19 are dry cough, fatigue, diarrhoea, flu, fever, sore throat and headache. This has affected many countries and the cases and deaths have increased in China. In January 2020, after Chinese New Year celebrations all over the world, cases of COVID 19 were spread over in all countries. Scientists were finding the medicines and antibiotics for the COVID 19. WHO starts the mission of global emergency over the world due to the spreading of Covid 19.

After a few months, COVID 19 starts to mutate COVID 19 variants. First COVID variant is Alpha (UK) variant. After that, scientists and doctors found another variant which is Beta (South Africa) Variant, which is more transmissible than Original COVID 19. After that, GAMMA (Brazil) Variant was also formed. After a few months, some countries have found the COVID 19 variants and start to mutate. This variant of Covid 19 has affected other countries, too.

The difference of COVID 19 and variants is that they will be more transmissible than the original type. Moreover, there are also types of Covid mutations, which are double mutant and triple mutant. The difference is that they will mutate with two or three Covid 19 variants and form into a virus. The Delta (India) variant is a double variant which has a double virus. It is more transmissible than other variants.

The spreading of these Covid 19 variants will be faster than the original one. There are still forming and mutating new variants, which can be extremely worse than other variants.

Scientists have found vaccines of Covid 19 but the efficiency is not 100% because it is difficult to find the perfect medicine of Covid 19. The purpose of Covid 19 vaccines is to reduce the spreading of the disease. The efficiency of vaccines is around 90% to 95%. The purpose of the vaccines is for emergency said by WHO. Each country tried to find vaccines for covid 19. Even though there are no suitable vaccines yet and that was just for emergency and temporary.

Covid 19 has affected the global economy, the climate of the environment, children’s education, people jobs, the happiness of everyone and others. Many people have spoiled their future due to this covid 19. The economy and share markets have decreased. The climate has been destroyed and the environment is not cleaned due to the virus. The air is not very good and not healthy, too.

Children education has been ruin and destroyed because of not physical classes and not able to commit with everyone physical and cannot do exams and experiments in physical. There are online classes and remote learning but some people do not have facilities of technology or networks such as Wifi or mobile phones. For rich countries, they are quite rich and have high salaries (not everyone) but poor countries such as some parts of Africa are very poor countries and they don’t have internet connection and devices.

Even 30 years after the end of Covid-19 pandemic, the future of people and children has been affected even though there are vaccines or medicine. The side effects of this covid 19 takes time to improve people’s lives. Even though there is technology, people have become poor because of no jobs unless it depends on their talents and the result of their exams or studies.

The economy of the country will also be affected, too. In the future, there are chances of increasing robberies or stealing things such as assets (jewellery) or costly products. This could happen due to disappointment and sadness of loss of jobs or not available jobs.

The generation of children is also affected because when parents have got infected Covid 19, the effect will also happen to children but not infected. The effect is similar to the phenomenon because Covid 19 is a respiratory illness. There will be many cases of this effect.

There are still effects due to Covid 19. It takes time to get back to a normal lifestyle after finding good treatment and medication for Covid 19.


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