Is Physiotherapy the same as Physical Therapy ?



I was rather piqued when asked to write an article on the differences between Physiotherapy and Physical therapy. I thought I had a fair idea of what physiotherapy was as I had required and undergone physiotherapy when I was around nine years old and was in a pretty serious road accident( I learned during my research for this article that what I knew was like the proverbial tip of the iceberg ). While researching for this article, I discovered that physiotherapy covered a whole lot more.

Physical therapy was something I was hearing of for the first time, and it did sound rather interesting. Was it the same as physiotherapy. What I learned was very enlightening. I searched a number of sources for a better understanding of the two terms and what if any were the differences. I found what I discovered to be both educational and exciting ! This is what I learned:

Portland Wellness Care says that the terms can be used interchangeably, but with some very minor differences. In physiotherapy, a physiotherapist helps the patient manually to recover from a disease or deformity or an injury using physical treatments like massages, joint manipulation and other techniques other than medicine and surgery. The physiotherapist focuses more on recovery from injury or disease, to restore the full function or movement in the joint or muscle.

Physical therapy aims to improve function in the joints and muscles through exercise. Physiotherapy focuses on helping the patient with the physiotherapist using a more hands-on effort, while physical therapy is based on the patient performing exercises.

Miracle Rehab Clinic says that there is a difference between Physiotherapy and Physical Therapy, though the terms are often used interchangeably. They are similar, however, Physical Therapy is defined as medical care that aims to ease pain and help a person function, move, and live better, while Physiotherapy is defined as treatment of disease, injury, or a deformity by using physical methods such as massage, joint manipulation, and other techniques instead of medicines or operating (when possible).”

The two therapies mainly differ in their approach. Physiotherapy focuses on manual treatments like massages, facial and other soft tissue releases, stretches and the like.  Physical therapy focuses on exercise, wherein the physical therapists educate the patients on how to perform exercises that will help in developing strength, coordination, balance and the like.

To understand it better, physiotherapy focuses more on hospital work, kike post-operative care and recovery after a serious accident.  Physical Therapy focuses on treatment of relatively less serious injuries. The physical therapist focuses on treatment of aches and pains in chronic conditions like arthritis, etc.

Techniques used in Physiotherapy

Physiotherapy focuses more on the use of manual therapy, wherein the physiotherapist uses their hands to help with the movement and flexibility of the body tissues and provide relief from pain and stiffness and promote relaxation through techniques like massage.

Physiotherapists try to treat the patient in a wholistic manner and use techniques like :

  1. Massaging the affected part to provide benefits like pain relief, improvement of blood circulation and helping the patient relax.
  2. Use of soft tissue techniques like stretching or myofascial release, which offers benefits similar to that from massaging.
  3. Mobilization of the joints and manipulation of the joints is done to help with the movement of the joint and to try to reduce pain.
  4. Physiotherapy Instrument Mobilization(PIM) is done with the help of handcrafted instruments.
  5. Minimal Energy Techniques(METs) is a technique in which the muscles’ own energy is used to relax the muscles through autogenic or reciprocal inhibition which involves stretching the muscles which causes their opposite muscles to shorten and lengthen.


Physiotherapy sometimes includes osteopathy, acupuncture or kinesiology and other similar treatments.

Types of Physical Therapy  

Miracle Rehab clinic also mentions different types of physical therapy and different types of physical therapy treatment like paediatric physical therapy, neurological physical therapy, geriatric physical therapy, vestibular rehabilitation, orthopaedic, physical and cardiovascular and pulmonary physical therapy.

  1. Paediatric physical therapy deals with children alone., helps in growth issues, treat birth defects, injuries and genetic disorders.
  2. Neurological physical therapy deals with the treatment of neurological disorders, attempting to restore movement ability, ability to balance and coordination in cases of brain damage or diseases like Parkinson’s disease.
  3. Geriatric physical therapy deals with treatment of age-related ailments like arthritis and chronic disorders.
  4. Vestibular rehabilitation is a subspeciality dealing with the vestibular system, that is made of parts of the inner ear and brain and controls eye movement and balance.
  5. Orthopaedic physical therapy deals with the treatment of deformities and various other conditions related to the musculoskeletal system, and
  6. Cardiovascular and pulmonary physical therapy involves treatment of chronic lung disease patients or patients who have suffered heart failure.


Miracle Rehab Clinic also mentions different types of physical therapy treatments like manual therapy, soft tissue massage, neuromuscular re-education, hot and cold therapy, ultrasound, traction, laser therapy, electrical stimulation and education. Please find the full article here.

The Greenwood Physical Therapy (GPT) page says that the terms are exactly the same, and can be used interchangeably. The difference if any is based on where in the world you are. In Europe, Australia and Canada the term “Physiotherapy’ is used, while in the United States of America, they use the term, “Physical Therapist”.

However, some therapists suggest that physiotherapy deals more with manual therapy like joint mobilization, massages, soft tissue release, etc. whereas physical therapy involves the therapists instruct patients on performing exercises to strengthen joints and muscles and improve flexibility and mobility.

I searched for the term Physical Therapy in India, and I was surprised to find that there is nothing under “Physical Therapy” in India. The term used here is Physiotherapy,

The ‘All India Council of Physical Therapy’ says that physical therapists have different titles in different countries and are often called “physiotherapists”. Physical therapists help patients develop, restore and keep up strength, flexibility and mobility.


    There is no widely accepted clear difference between Physiotherapy and Physical Therapy. Some practitioners suggest that Physiotherapy deals with hospitalization and post hospitalization recovery where the physiotherapist manually helps the patient while Physical Therapy deals with exercises that the Physical Therapist asks the patient to do. It also depends on which part of the world you are from.  In Europe, Australia and Canada the term “Physiotherapy’ is used, while in the United States of America, they use the term, “Physical Therapist”. They both help the patient with recovery from an illness or disease, improve mobility, flexibility and functionality in the various areas of the body.



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