INTERNET – The Greatest Invention Ever


Everyone is capable of coming up with a great invention. Throughout the years, there have been created to change our way of life. One of the greatest inventions in history that is still used today is the INTERNET, which brought significant changes to how the day to day business is conducted. While, there are many different inventions that have been monumental, it is hard to argue the internet is not one of the best. Each and every invention has it’s time, and the internet is the greatest invention of our time.
The first working prototype for the internet was released in the 1960’s and little did the creators know the magnitude of what they had done. The internet proceed to change how people communicate, how business operate and nearly everything else about our world.
It is unfeasible to credit the invention of the internet to a single person. There are several scientists, programmers and engineers who each developed new features and technologies that eventually merged to become the “information superhighway” we know today, the internet.
When we look back, the technology existed to actually build the internet, many scientists had already anticipated the existence of worldwide networks of information.
The computer networking rebellion began in the early 1960s and has led us to today’s technology. The web was startlingly invented for military purposes, and then expanded to the purpose of communication among scientists. The invention also followed in part by the increasing need for computers in the 1960s. In the course of the Cold War, it was crucial to have communications links between umilitary and university computers that would not be disrupted by bombs or enemy spies.
One of the extensive events that happened in the 1990s was the invention of the World Wide Web (WWW). The first Web was started in November 1990 by Tim Berners-Lee at CERN.(8) With the start of WWW and browsers to surf the Internet, the commercialization appeared and has diverse the world tremendously (especially, with the development of the GUI browsers, such as, Mosaic Communications by Marc Andreesen and Jim Clark, which were later called Netscape Communications Corporations, and their opponent Microsoft.

Why internet is the greatest invention ?

• Internet taken communication to the next level –
Communication is one of the crucial things for humans and has been for thousands of years. Although, communication in the modern day is unlike anything humans have ever seen before while talking on the phone and in person communication obviously still happens, it has largely phase out to communicate via the internet.
The internet permits us to instantly communicate with essentially anyone on the planet with ease. Everyone can have full conversations through texting, can send emails, anywhere in seconds and countless apps and social networks allow an unparalleled amount of communication. Without the internet, many of our most popular means of communication simply wouldn’t exist, and our culture would take several steps backwards.

• It provides a boatload of information –
When humans think of the biggest benefit of the internet, many would likely say it is all of the information that it provides. No matter what you want to learn about or known , a simple search should give you thousands of relevant results in seconds. Even very conceptual and high level things can be researched with ease. Something that could have taken hours or days to find out about in the past can now be found in seconds.
Although you might know the internet is big and houses a lot of data and information , it is hard to truly understand the scale of just how big the internet is. Also, it is keep growing and this will continue into the foreseeable future. If there is no internet, all different types of research would become incredibly difficult again.

• Travelling –

Alien countries don’t seem so scary when you can learn everything about them from the internet. People can rent a house, check local restaurants , and even walk the street in another city virtually without even going out. Our universe has become smaller and friendlier than ever before.

• Modern Life would struggle mightily without internet –
One of the ways of a great invention, is how much use it gets and how much people rely on it. And literally billions of people using the internet, it definitely qualifies. People can use the internet for all different aspects of their lives from checking the weather, reading the news, learning new things, making purchases, and so many others.
Suppose, the internet suddenly wasn’t here anymore, modern Life as we know it would go through many difficult changes.
These points are enough to convince anyone that the internet is the best invention ever. In future, maybe scientists will build a teleportation device or time machine one day, but that would be a completely different story.
In a conclusion, it can interpreted that, there are many great inventions, every one of them important for it’s time. The internet, even with it’s flaws, is the most important invention of our modern time.






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