In the Wake of a Pandemic

By Anam Rizwan Maniyar


In the wake of COVID-19,

We all are fighting.

With masks on our face,

We will surely win the race.

With sanitizers all around,

In the rules and regulations, we’re bound.

The implementations of lockdown,

with which we should not get bogged down.

with empty roads and rails,

we will definitely not fail.

we will emerge victorious,

and the result will be glorious.

With everyone by our side,

We will definitely win this fight,

if by the rules we abide,

we will emerge as clean and white.

Corona is not here to stay,

it will surely go one day,

the only thing that matters,

is how we handle it by it’s way.



By Anam Rizwan Maniyar, Kalyan


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