How To Be A Better Version Of Yourself


Tips To Improve:

The road to greatness is not for the faint heart. Being a better version of yourself refers to recognizing and letting go of whatever limiting beliefs are keeping you from self-actualization. This requires intellectual enrichment. Hence, here are 7 tips to help you reach your highest potential, and be a better version of yourself.



“To a mind that is stable, the whole universe surrenders.” The very first step you need to take on the ladder of improvement is to reach mental stability. The people who are able to conquer their mind, can achieve whatever they wish to. We must focus on the right things and at the right moment. A better mental strength can be guaranteed by focusing on our thoughts.

• The best way to be the master of our thoughts would be to start practising meditation in our everyday lives. The aim of meditation should be to just be present in the moment without getting distracted; and to be able to concentrate on our thoughts as they keep popping up. Most of the highly successful people are practitioners of meditation, therefore they known how to conquer their thoughts better which eventually turn into actions.



• Your body is your home, so you must treat it well. There are a number of ways to nurture your body and your health. You can start by fixing your sleep by trying to maintain a sleep schedule; we should have 7-8 hours of sleep daily.

• Also, reduce the amount of junk food intake. Prefer a healthy diet, add variety to your meals and make your plate a bit greener. Physical activity also plays a vital role in helping the body. Make out time for morning or evening walks, practice yoga or any other forms of exercising. In addition to these it would be wise to stay hydrated by drinking water in good amounts.



• Owning your mornings shouldn’t necessarily mean waking up early. Early birds do reap an advantage over the late risers. But you should choose a time that is suitable to you. What’s more important is how you spend the first hour of your day.

• Gift the first hour of the day to yourself. As soon as you wake up, start your day with a smile, make your bed and freshen up. Then you can take a walk, do some sort of exercise, perform meditation, sit under the sun, make yourself a cup of coffee, pen down your thoughts, put on your favorite songs, listen to a podcast or flip the pages of your favorite book.

• There are a lot more things you can choose from the list. A smarter approach to owning your morning would be to plan your day in the beginning or the night before. This way the worries of the day’s worries would not be able to haunt you or ruin your mornings.



“We are what we repeatedly do; excellence, therefore, is not an act but a habit.” As mentioned in the book ‘Ikigai- The Japanese Secret To A Long And Happy Life’, flowing with our ikigai is what makes people love the things they do.

• ‘Flow’ is the state when we are completely immersed in life, when we are focused on our task and in return we receive real joy and satisfaction. It is very important to find flow in everything we do. Even mundane tasks can be made enjoyable by achieving ‘microflow’.

• Flow provides us with a focused mind. It requires a clearly defined objective and a focus in the present. This way you can increase your productivity and get your work completed within the deadlines; and try to be a better version!



• Everyone decides to build or drop some or the other habits every now and then. But are they able to stick to these habits? For most of the people the answer would be a “no”. The reason why most of us fail in sticking to our habits is irregularity. We set up a task to be completed daily and skip it when we are tired or when we don’t feel like doing it.

• So, is there an escape from this? Definitely there is, the only thing we need to do is make our habits elastic or atomic. Divide each task into three categories: Easy, Medium and Hard. For example if you are planning to build a habit of reading books, avoid targeting 25 pages a day. It would be easy for you to read at least 2 pages every day. It would be normal for you to read 10 pages daily and a bit out of your comfort zone to read more than 25 pages per day.

• The ‘Easy’ tasks should not be skipped even for a single day. Hence, they need to be ‘atomic’. The ‘Medium’ category should be what you can do normally. The ‘Hard’ one should push your limits a bit and urge you to move out of your comfort zone. The sole point of building elastic habits should be to make them adjustable to our needs. this will help you in being a better version.




• Gratitude should be a way to life. Be thankful for each and everything you have around you. Make it a habit of thanking people for helping you, for supporting you and for being in your life. You can even maintain a gratitude journal. Fill it with your thoughts and everything you are grateful for. Pen down all the events, objects or people you are thankful for or have helped you be better.

• As you start recognizing and thanking people and events, you will be showered upon with even more things to be grateful for. Thank the teacher who recently taught you something, thank the person who offered you coffee this morning, thank the man who delivered you groceries last evening, thank everyone!




• Being positive is the most important way to change yourself for better. Having an optimistic approach towards life helps us in accepting adverse conditions. A positive attitude helps you cope more easily with the daily affairs of life.

• It brings optimism into your life, making it easier to avoid worries and negative thinking. If adopted as a way of life, it would bring constructive changes into your life. Most importantly, people with a positive attitude know how to live their life to the fullest. So, how do you see the glass- half full or half empty?

These were some of the changes that you can add into your life to be a better version. And they will certainly help you live to the fullest and have high hopes. This was how you can be a better version of yourself. Keep upgrading!


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