How Good is Your Media Diet?

By Ushmil Rimjha


There is no doubt that nowadays, there are evolution in society, education, economy, existence including the various disease, which different by era and there are remedied by the diverse method, with in many country will have amelioration and guidelines on prevented including management with malady and the issues people are experiencing as standard in order to alleviate health and mental to lusty including be able to handle with the situation, fervent emotions, which the issues on the mental health the most people are encountering, might be the bipolar disorder or Bipolar.

  Bipolar is a temper disorder, which the people in each locality is undergoing, with this disease will engender the populations have the variant emotions and erratic. During depression and the cheerful emotional maximum range, which the condition in each duration might appeared symptoms for up to month or week. Some person there might also be a complication of depression more severe than generally depressed patients. Similarly, the causes of initiation psychotic symptoms, be able to initiate many patterns. For example, firstly, the anomaly of heredity  or genetic transfer from ancestor due to there is research indicating the citizens in social to have bipolar symptoms, mostly there are causes from inheritance, secondly, caused by abnormal functioning of the brain, which there are inequitable neurotransmitters.

Finally, engendered by the negative surroundings, nurturing devoid standards or the stress on current living to motive this posture is illustrated, etc.

Moreover, the execution approach on handle with the bipolar behaviors, there are diversified treatment principle; for instance, the psychotherapy activities, continuous medication or social conditioning and attitude in community and family, which considered these principles is the salient formality on alleviated including manipulated with bipolar, especially occupational therapy, which is the essential key to unlock bipolar and the entire human is able to accomplish in their accommodation. Statistically, the most popular method is meditation and introspection due to both of these processes will assist to manage temperament, behavior, speech, and notion preferable than aforetime, with the meditation is the operates on focus, including consuming determination and determination with something for a period of time, which it will engender the placidity and reactivated the mental health to there consciousness and is able to inhibit violent risks in socializing. 

Likewise, Vipassana is a subunit of meditation, but is the superior standard, with introspection will assist to consideration and contemplation have been formulated in spirit, which engendered to there are more analysis in speech, etiquette and logic, which whilst practicing the mental state will generate immeasurable notion including questions in mentality regarding demeanor, the numerous issues, along with the subconscious mind, the instinct will able to unravel crux. To put it another way, it is self-questioning regarding the predicaments in diurnal responsibility to encounter, the sensations of people or the process to relinquish of negative memories, which it rescued to brain, physical health and mental health are obtained the relaxation in a pattern due to many scientists conducted research on meditation and Vipassana from the measurement of brain waves, discovered that the results of meditation and insight practice engendered to brain relieve stress, with Dr. Herbert Benson (M.D.) Assistant Professor of Internal Medicine at Harvard University School of Medicine has been researching this experiment for more than 30 years, in which he conducts volunteers who meditation practice (Transcendental Meditation TM) to determine blood pressure, heart rate and brain waves. The results indicated, meditate persons will have the lower blood pressure rate, slower and more organized brain waves, slower heart rate, and a palliative temperament as if release of negative energy, etc. 

Additionally, initiation and life after the bipolar disorder, from my point of view it has to be the genuinely most incomparable felicity, such as living life as a general populace, able to handle with multitudinous situations exquisitely or coexist with others pleasantly, which considered it is development in social skills and coexistence skills.

  In conclusion, bipolar disorder remains a salient mental health issues encountered by the various most of humanity, more than 1,000,000 and not able to discover solution, which the cycle of origin of bipolar disorder, there are many causes including their symptoms will different according to their temper, which engendered meditating including introspection have the valuable role on palliated the bipolar due to both of these principles are pervasive researched by many scientists in the remedying of diseases including it is a recess method and strengthen to mental health, immunizing agents in the patterns, which will able to annihilate the vicious cycle of bipolar. 

                                                                               Authored By

                                                                                        Ushmil Rimjha


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