HOPE TO MILLIONS – DOCTOR’S

Are you going to be a doctor in the future then you must read this,
Either it’s science or commerce, engineering or economics whatever it is Medical science still has a greater challenge of choosing it. Medical science in the whole world has its objections and approvals ahead. A student choosing medicine is not only meant he is interested in the subject but it’s all about how responsible and how ambitious he is towards saving his people’s life.
Most believed on the earth:
Medical science is one of the major practices all over the world that doesn’t have enough grammar to list out how important it is .so in honor of the most trusted and believed people on earth “doctors” the government has established one special day for them “doctors’ day”. It is celebrated on different days in different nations across the globe.

Pandemic and deadly situation world ever faced:
This day u and I know how is everyone doing, there is no one fine out there its high time we realize the importance of doctors and medical staff,
As I mentioned neither my words nor my article speaks enough about doctors so here are the words said by most people about doctors;
They say this the greatest work u have ever
done all those sleepless nights and days away from your family begin speaking all around now u became part of us, we trust you just more than our selves, thanks for choosing this job for us we can’t thank you enough and we owe you so much. Thanks for saving all of us this pandemic would be much more devasting without you, you never allowed us to lose hope and you made us much stronger more than anyone. Thanks for trying your best all day and night for making millions of families smile. What more can we say, rather than saying that
Medicines cure diseases and doctors cure patients -Carl Jung.

This society needs you:
Though we have lots of doctors in the world still there is a huge requirement for them in today and upcoming days and no doubt there are still so many youngsters out there ready to serve the upcoming society, they are ready to cure patients and much more ready to be called a DOCTOR. You make us realize how important our health is and how precious our own life is no matter how poor or rich or black or white one is, you treat us the same. What not an MBBS student does to be called out to be a doctor and how strong he should prepare his mind to treat his patients, all he has is people’s lives in his hands.
It is not a business it’s a hope of millions:
In most places of the world being a doctor is just a job and his work is just a business and private corporate hospitals are just being money towers but it’s a responsibility to become a doctor. Being a doctor is no more at all easy it takes all ur heart and sweat to happen you see so much, you take the longest time to complete your mbbs and pour so many efforts into it just to learn your body and how precious ones life is and hard it is to his life which can never be bought back.

so u remain to be our hope no matter what because you fight for that which cant be bought once it is lost.

Can we be fine again:
The most raised question these days is are we going to be ok, and it’s a big YES,
Yes we are going to be okay, yes we are going to be normal, yes we can go to meet our family, and yes we have all our future right here. This hope wasn’t easy without you, even you lost your loved ones even you were worried about your family and still saved us, and still, you were with us when no one was.

A piece of appreciation:
A fighter, savior, caretaker, and for us, you are the most trusted person on earth all we can say is thank you we are so grateful that you are there for us. Thanks for taking all the pain, and thanks for spreading so many smiles and almost gratitude for saving so-called my people.

Front line workers:
Not only doctors but all the front-line workers including civil defense volunteers, medical staff [nurses, helpers, and receptionists working in hospitals ], and municipal workers. THANK YOU, you made us see the world tomorrow and dream for the future, you inspire us so much we aspire to become you. we promise you that we will take all the necessary precautions and wear masks, and stay home., stay safe.
Can anyone be perfect ever?
Yes, an MBBS student.



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