Health and Lifestyle

By Diveeja Chowdhury


A life without health is like a river without water. Health nowadays is our first priority, although it was often overlooked before. People were unaware of their way of life, but Covid 19 transformed many people’s thinking. Good health only comes with a decent lifestyle. It is very vital to be healthy and have a robust immunity. Nutritious diet, water, exercise and daily yoga are all key components to keep in mind in order to stay fit. A healthy person also maintains a sleep cycle, which should consist of around 7-8 hours of sleep. Today, many changes have occurred in life of all people. Malnutrition, unhealthy diet, smoking, alcohol consuming, drug abuse, stress and so on, are the presentations of unhealthy life style that they are used as dominant form of lifestyle.

Today, people run behind money. They work all day and are fully fatigued. Nobody has time for themselves and their loved ones that impacts the mental health of individuals. People today are living a sedentary lifestyle because of which thyroid, PCOD, etc. have become very common health issues. Their physical health is also hampered since they spend maximum time on electronic gadgets like I pads, laptops and phone. In the urge of always wanting more people have forgotten that one can only work when you are fit and healthy. An unhealthy lifestyle can cost man more than he can ever think. It is very important to eat a well-balanced diet with all nutrients, drink adequate water and practice yoga and meditation because Joseph Pilates once quoted that physical fitness is the first requisite of happiness.

We should make an effort of eating home cooked meals and avoid oily and outside junk food. We should also start consuming food and drinks that help us boost our immunity. We all should make sure that we live in a positive atmosphere and are cheerful. We should never let the situation harm us. Everything happens for a reason and we should face it with a smile. It is with good health and a positive attitude only that can one live a comfortable and luxurious life.

Now since schooling is also done online, students also spend maximum time on laptops. Since they are not able to meet their friends they have started spending their free time using electronics. They are no more interested playing sports and spend their entire day sitting. This has led to problems like obesity and weak eye sight. Children have started getting spectacles at a very early stage and are developing serious health issues which is affecting their future.

Living in a clean and healthy environment is also important to have a salubrious lifestyle. Clean and hygienic surroundings help keep the atmosphere free of insects and rodents. This helps prevents spreading of diseases. This also prevents air and water borne diseases. Having an atmosphere free of harmful effluents helps inhale pure air. This keeps our respiratory system strong.

Planting trees which cause rainfall helps keep the ecological balanced maintained. To stay healthy and have a comfortable lifestyle taking care of environment is very essential. We should understand the powerful force of nature and how it might shatter us if mistreated. It is very important to make sure that the area we live in has a pharmacy, hospital, grocery and other daily essential store nearby so that in case of emergency everything is available. The government should also ensure that more hospitals are built with better infrastructure and facilities.

We should keep in mind that money is important but not more than health. It might help us to live a luxurious life and purchase all materialistic goods but, health is something that even the richest person this planet would fail to purchase. Always remember to stay motivated. The benefits of a healthy lifestyle are manifold: living a healthy life allows you to live longer, which means that you get to spend more time with your family. Someone once said that your health is an investment, not expense.

                                                                      Authored By

                                                                              Diveeja Chowdhury


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