Health and Lifestyle

By Devanshi Singh


Health is the most necessary element of our life. It is actually the mental, physical and social wellbeing of a human body. Health is the most valuable thing in a person’s life, just like a treasure full of gems and valuable goods. You must have heard that ” A healthy mind lives in a healthy body” which means that if a person is healthy his mind will always be healthy therefore, being a successful person. ” HEALTH IS WEALTH” is a famous proverb which means that health is the biggest wealth of a person and it is definitely correct. World Health Day is celebrated on 7th of April since the year 1950 which focus to spread awareness among people and its initiative is taken by WORLD HEALTH ORGANIZATION (WHO). When a person is ill he is said to be unwell or unhealthy. To keep yourself healthy one should have a proper lifestyle, eat a balanced diet full of nutrients, avoid having the street and junk foods which could be harmful in future to the body. We have two types of health, First: Mental Health – Mental health refers to our mind and inner peace which is not as such visible to people around us, Secondly: Physical health –  physical health is the health which is visible to the people present near us. Even though mental health is not visible, it has its direct impact on the physical health. If a person is in stress, it’s impact will be visible on his/her physical health  Remember He who has health, have hope and he who has hope has everything”.

Lifestyle is a way you live in, your daily routine. One who has a healthy lifestyle, is always free from diseases and has a life full of harmony and peace. A routine which consists of yoga and exercise at the morning and evening, three time meal full with all nutrients, drinking adequate amount of water somewhat 4-6 glass of water every day and 7-8 hours sleep is brief definition about a HEALTHY LIFESTYLE. Yoga and exercises should be done early morning after waking up and at evening after about 4 hours of lunch. One should not do exercises or yoga just after having any meal. The three time meal which are breakfast, lunch and dinner should be with all groups of nutrients which are proteins, carbohydrates, fats, vitamins and minerals. Only then it would be called a Balanced Diet which plays a very significant role in maintaining a healthy lifestyle. Drinking less water can cause dehydration. So drinking adequate amount of water maintains a persons healthy lifestyle. A famous proverb which is ” Early to bed and early to rise, makes a person healthy and wise” tells that if a person want to lead a healthy lifestyle, he/she needs to have adequate amount of sleep which is not less or more than 7-8 hours. Lack of sleep can weaken your immune system, diabetes, heart attack etc.

Lifestyle and health of a person is one’s own wish. Good Health or bad health is the fruit of one’s routine.



                                                                    Authored by

                                                                                   Devanshi Singh


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