Health and Lifestyle

By Rajeev Ranjan


Lifestyle is related to a way of people or a group of people. Most of people have some Lifestyle,it may be capable or incompetent.For a capable and good lifestyle,health is one a important factor which decides a good lifestyle.We can say Health and Lifestyle are both concerned. Health in person’s lifestyle means that person is living his life properly and they values life and time.We should add key things to stay healthy.

A person can be healthy from different point of views like a daily exercise is a morning routine,Take healthy and green food,caring his/her health and take proper diet.India is still facing nutrition problems in urban lifestyle due to fast foods and poor foods, which increase problems in abdomen.To treat these health issues,exercise must be added in lifestyle.A frequence exercise along with healthy diet enlarge the health.An unhealthy person always suffers from stress,dipression and similar issues,but who are interested in exercise,feel comfortable in every manner and they do their duty without any obstacles.

We are advancing towards the application of modern technology,and this technology has given either a gift or matter of concerns.Now a days, Children even younger also use mobile or laptop upto midnight which disturb the pattern of sleeping,and create the problem of stress.We should care about our needs and never cross limits without any issue.In India,One major issue is that we In spite of removing small diseases from nature gifts, we take medicines.there are many who are taking unnecessary drugs, and making the house of sickness.We should always take medicine when it’s required with proper suggestions with doctor otherwise it damages our cells and tissues. To stand-up healthy we should ignore unhealthy life style. Like smoking and drinking.

Which creates a longtime disease like cancer, asthma,brain injury and other medical issues.An average study shows that About 30 percent of people between 18–65 years old smoke cigarette permanently. Which is a fact to ponder.Rural and urban area both are affected from such addiction. India is both a source of health and diseased people.India originated Yoga which is a physical and mental practice as well as natural way to cure disease.

We should definitely adopt yoga in our daily routine to make healthy life style. United nation general assembly also declared 21 June as International Yoga day to understand the importance of Yoga in our lifestyle.But very few people in our surrounding follows yoga and left everyone else keeps cursing God and himself for his illness.A good health lifestyle means he or she is mental,physical,behavioral and emotionally good and in control.

Always take care of your minds

Most of stress and mental problems occur due to ignore the care of your minds.We should always maintain  a good relationship with your parents.In mostly house,there is an issue between their parents and son which creates a stress on mind and mind does not reply well. We should balance the relation which also makes your lifestyle healthy. A good health keep our feelings good,we will less anxiety and go into depression. A healthy lifestyle cannot be achieved in a single days. We have to be consistent.

You have to follow an honest arrange supported healthy habits. By doing this, our bodies and minds can get in to a rhythm which will eventually become wont. It’s common for folks to own routines that square measure solely a touch healthy, or not healthy in any respect. perhaps that’s the means it’s, as a result of it’s easier and more well-off than doing it properly.

Outdoor playtime can keep your health well.

When we were a child, we almost certainly wanted it too. However, with the arrival of technology, the trend may need started dynamic a touch. kids recently pay longer ahead of a laptop or mobile screen rather than heading resolute the near ground and running.

This is also a cause of our unhealthy.Outdoor playtime improves flexibility,Develop creativity,Improve Vision, One who play outdoors as a routine is more healthy and fit in every way.

Government should start initiatives.

Like Taiwan,One who cook at home or house,govt. Provide tax break if you show receipt of your purchased healthy products. It’s a good initiative another country like India should watch it and must try.To encourage healthy lifestyles for adults, including regular exercise, the government could work with companies to form initiatives for employees.When the COVID-19 pandemic hit, the govt created use of the National insurance system to distribute masks through pharmacies. 

the same system may be enforced by cooperating with supermarkets or convenience stores, through that the govt might enable individuals to create weekly backed purchases of domestically adult fruit.But this process will take some time to understand and people get aware of it. The better way is to promote schemes in country which gives initiative to people to use healthly products.

                                                                      Authored by

                                                                                      Rajeev Ranjan


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