Great Ancient Indian Scientists And Their Inventions

By Tanishka Dattatray Jagtap


India is an ancient country. A country with a peaceful background. We were no short of money and intelligent peoples. Many important inventions like zero, Pi, atomic theory, algebra fractions, and many more. Without them, it would be very difficult to solve mathematic equations. It’s like building a building without its base. There are many scientists and astronomers who devoted their life to find basic but important inventions.

Aryabhatt – A genius Mathematician who invented zero (0). He was also an astronomer. Aryabhatt was the first person to proclaim that our planet Earth is round, it rotates on its axis, orbits around the sun, and is suspended in space before 1000 years Copernicus published his heliocentric theory. He is also known for calculating Pi to four decimals places and the sine table in trigonometry. After many centuries, the Arab mathematician, Mohammed Ibn Musa credited the value to the Indians. As said before, his creation of zero which is for he is known as is the most important concept without which modern technology was unimaginable. 

Acharya Kanad – Founder of atomic theory. He was the expounder of realism, the law of causation, and the atomic theory. He has then classified all the objects of creations around the world into nine parts which were:- Earth, Light, Water, Wind, Time, Space, Mind, Soul, and Ether. He said that “ Every object of creation is made of atoms that connect each other to form molecules “. His statement was heard for the first time in the world before (nearly 2500 years) John Dalton.  T.N.Colebrook, an eminent historian said that “Compared to the scientists of Europe, Kanad and other Indian scientists were the global masters in this field“. We can get to see that, other than Mohmmed Mosa many others said the same things.

Acharya Sushrut – Father of Plastic Surgery. Plastic surgery is used by people to look beautiful or to renew their faces after some injuries. What do you think first plastic surgery was introduced and where? If your answer is in India by Acharya Sushrut then you are right. He is a genius known greatly because of his discovery of plastic surgery. He wrote details of plastic surgery in his book “ Sushrut Samhita ” the first-ever book of surgery that was unknown to the world. He also introduced the world to the anesthesia of science. He performed many challenging surgeries like restoration of damaged nose etc. He used 125 types of surgical instruments which was designed from the jaws, bones, and various parts of animals and birds body. In his book,” Sushrut Samhita “, he details 300 different types of operations. No one can imagine we change our look or repair our damaged parts. But he made it possible and was a giant in the arena of medical science.  

Acharya Patanjali –  Father of Yoga. Science and techniques of Yoga are one another creation contributed by India to the world. As we already know the importance of Yoga, let’s discuss one person who created it. Acharya Patanjali was a master in this art. He was having a lot of knowledge about it. He prescribed the control of prana (life breathe) to control the body, our mind, and soul to have peace. It will be very helpful for our health. It will keep a person a happy mind and mood. His 84 yogic postures help us to improve respiratory, circulatory, digestive, nervous, endocrine systems, and other organs of the body. His yogic postures and his concept get popular because of their priceless benefits. Every person wishes to have a healthy body which can get by doing exercise and yoga.

Acharya Bharadwaj – Pioneer of Aviation Technology. He authored the “Yantra Sarvasva” which includes outstanding and unbelievable inventions in aviation science, space science, and flying objects or flying machines. He has described three types of flying objects. 

  1. One that flies on Earth from one place to another place.
  2. One that travels from one planet to another planet.
  3. One that travels from one universe to another universe.

And there were more techniques described by him. The profound secret, Visuals secret, secret of eavesdropping and living secret and more. 

It tells us that India was well privileged in everything even in smartness and intelligence. But we didn’t get any credit which is a little bit disappointing. We should know about them and their inventions. Now let’s decide this, after every discovery or invention you read about, try to go deeper about its origin and make sure you give credit to the right person who belongs to it.

By Tanishka Dattatray Jagtap


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