Gems called Values



Values are usually defined as individual beliefs that motivate people to act one way or another. But for me, values are the identity of one. Values define a person. Values are typically known to be transmitted or inherited from parents but this thinking finds roots in the thought that a person will reflect the values of his/her parents which is not true in most cases. Some people exhibit different values from their ancestors or parents because values are not something which we get as a legacy from our ancestors rather they are our identity which we build on our own. Integrity, self-esteem, tolerance, empathy, courage, fairness, respect, responsibility, perseverance, discipline and leadership are some moral values about which we have been learning since class 1st.  We all are well aware of their definitions and meanings but only a handful of people try to indulge these values in them. It’s not the people’s fault but rather of the mentality that VALUES ARE TRANSMITTED FROM ONE GENERATION TO ANOTHER. This thinking is baseless as values can even be built up within us only if we try.

Talking about myself, I possess many values like

Leadership, tolerance, self-confidence, respect for others, responsibility, integrity and courage. But there was a time when I never possessed many amongst them. But during the covid pandemic, I watched many serials and learnt new lessons which eventually gave rise to these values in me. I won debates thus my confidence was boosted. So, I did not receive all my values from my parents or ancestors.

I remember an old man who once found a diamond lying on the road. He probed the matter and at last found its owner. The man’s family begged him not to return the diamond but the old man without even thinking once handed over the diamond to its owner. The owner told the man to keep the diamond as a reward for his honesty but the man simply refused only to say that by returning him the diamond he secured his 3 diamonds of

• Integrity

• Honesty and

• Self-respect

Why can’t we all also be like him? Characters transmit from one generation to another but values can arise within us.


Values are something which help us see the world from a positive perspective. Values are something which can motivate us to feed the hungry,   help the needy, be honest at all times, stay polite, be kind and eventually be optimistic, cheerful, kind and stress-free person. Our values affect those who meet us during this long journey which we call LIFE.


I believe in possessing the values which we want others to possess.





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