Food is Medicine

By S.Tasneem


What comes to our mind while saying food – pizza burger, grilled chicken, fast foods. The people changed themselves in food selection saying adapting to modern lifestyles, the fault is not in new innovations but in people who make these food items as their daily needs. Our forefather’s lifespan was more than 100 years that is because of their food they intake but now early-age death occurs due to diseases it has been identified that the major cause is due to food habits. Food plays a main role in our day-to-day life, without food we are nothing. Nowadays either the intake of food is higher or lower than the expenditure level. The intake of foods like fried foods, frozen foods, preserved foods may have a higher risk of obesity, heart disease, cancer, breathing problem, and many more health issues. The choosing of foods is very important.


In this 21st century, if a cold occurs visiting a doctor, a cough occurs visiting a doctor, this has even become a habit of adapting to visit a hospital often. We have forgotten that we have medicines in our kitchen itself but we don’t believe it as it reacts slowly, we need medicine only which makes us relief from pain immediately. Pain can be relieved but it damages our body causing side effects or inducing other disease and also makes adapted to react only for those medications. Now due to covid-19 many people have become familiar with the word “immune-boosting foods” rather it is not late but knowledge and usage are less. The ancient food has many medicinal values. Having a good immune system protects our body and destroys the invading micro-organisms.


Many foods protect our body like an onion is rich in vitamin-B and sulfur compounds, it has anti-bacterial, anti-inflammatory, detoxifying, and good for the heart. Apricot is low in calories, rich in fiber, vitamin-A, C, and carotene, potassium, iron, zinc, calcium, and manganese. Its main properties are anti-oxidant, reduces bad cholesterol level, regulate heart rate and blood pressure, anti-cancer, protect from age-related macular disease. The main role of the food is maintaining health, preventing diseases, and the body to function by giving information to the cells.


Turmeric contains curcumin, a substance with powerful anti-inflammatory effects placed in the wounded area that can prevent infection, it can improve brain function, reduce the risk of heart disease and cancer. Peppermint relieves IBS pain and may reduce nausea. Cinnamon lowers blood sugar levels and powerful anti-diabetic effect. Ginger can treat nausea and has anti-inflammatory properties. Medicines have side effects like causing rashes, vomiting ect,.. but there is no such effects in natural spices, vegetables and fruits also it is easy to include in our day-to-day life.


Though many people say food alone can’t cure diseases, prevention is better than cure. If nutrition is correct then the risk of diseases is reduced, also if the disease occurs our body will have the ability to fight without any medications. Following a healthy eating habit can lead to a good lifestyle. 3 meals a day and the inclusion of a high amount of vegetable and fruits, a moderate amount of milk, meat, fish, low amount of oily foods, fried foods, avoidance of white products like maida and doing aerobic exercise like walking, yoga, cycling, etc,.. maximum 30 minutes a day. 


It may be difficult to follow but eating healthy makes our body to sustain a lot and also prevents diseases, staying fit and healthy is not an easy task but if we adopt healthy food habits it reduces stress and lifespan can be increased. We live a life at once so make that life WITH HEALTHY FOODS TO LIVE A HAPPY AND HEALTHY LIFE.

By S.Tasneem



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