Father’s Day

By Aaradhya Singh Rajput


When I have nothing to do my dad always has a game up his sleeve. If it is raining cats and dogs we sometimes play, playing cards or a board game. If it is sunny outside, we play with the Frisbee or I climb in the sea grape tree in the back of our house and see how long I can hang from a branch!

Sometimes I ask myself what makes a great dad? It is not really about what a father does for you, it is a caring and loving heart that makes an awesome father. That is what I think makes a real dad.

My dad is special to me because he helps my mom take care of my brother and me. Also when we are up to mischief he tells us what to do!

I love my dad because he is helpful to my brother and me. Sometimes he helps me with my homework when I get a little rusty. He helps my brother find something to do while I try to concentrate on doing my homework. Also when my mommy is sick my dad is always there to comfort me around hard times.

Sometimes I wonder why are dads important. My dad is important because without him I don’t know what I would do. This is how I would put it. If I need comfort my mom gives me comfort but if my mom needs comfort who is going to comfort her? So my dad plays a big part in the family. That is why dads are important.

My dad is not a superhero to the world, but he’s the superman in my family.

My father is more than special; he’s a one-in-a-million dad. Every day he works hard to keep me happy and safe. When I look at my dad each day I see the man I want to be. That’s what makes him extra special to me.

He is important; his love for me is like what oxygen is to life. There is nothing too big he wouldn’t do, no sacrifice too huge that he wouldn’t make. I think of this all more than makes him great.

I follow him around all the time, hoping to learn all I can from him. I love how patient he is with me, even when things get technical he finds a way to make me learn it is the simplest way. I love doing things with him, like going to baseball together, the park, choir practice and most of all listening to him read to me before I fall asleep.

Sometimes I think he is an angel sent from God just for me, I love my dad and I know he loves me too. I wish everyone would experience a bond like this, I love you daddy and you are the best.

My dad is the reason I try to do well in class. He inspires me to want to do my work, he tells me what’s right from wrong and he scolds me when I am wrong.

At nights we play cards while my mom’s asleep and he’s the one that tucks me in. Before he does we lay down in my bed and I put my head on his chest and we watch “Jessie” until I fall asleep.

My dad has an interesting job. He works as a photographer on one of Captain Marvin’s boats named “The Tortuga”. He works with Captain Chris. He takes pictures of tourists holding or kissing stingrays at Stingray City. I like his job because I sometimes go with him to learn how to snorkel and I make new friends too.

My daddy is the one that cooks my breakfast, lunch, and dinner all the time. My favorite dish is the Chicken Alfredo Pasta. He is an excellent cook. Maybe he should have been a chef instead.

My mom has a video of my birth and I was given a chance to watch it. From that moment when I saw the look on my dad’s face, I knew that he fell in love with me. He was the first person I smiled with and I knew that he was my superhero.+

My life is full of joy and laughter when he is around; he treats me like a princess. Another man like him can never be found. He is special, there is no doubt.

My father is my friend and my confidant. I can share everything with him without a tear. We have a special bond and I thank God every day for making him the person he is.

Even though my daddy is the most hard-working man I know that’s not what makes him most important. He is important to me because he makes time to keep his family happy and feeling loved. My father has all the qualities of a great dad. Even though he is my friend, he keeps me in line all the time.

I love my daddy; I wish to find a husband just like him when I grow up, a man with virtue, honesty, who’s loving, kind, and true. My father, he’s my hero; he is my role model for life.

My dad is unique. He is kind and very protective of his daughters by helping us with homework and other crises. He looks out for us and always greets us with a smile. Every day I think, wow! Who can wish for a better dad than this?

He is a very strong man because most of the time he plays the role of mom and dad. When my mom is on business trips he prepares breakfast, fruit, snack, and lunch. He also does pickups and dropoffs, laundry ironing, and most of all making us have fun.

Despite his illness, he helps out in the community by volunteering for such activities at Batabano and Pirates Week. His passion is music; if there is nothing to do during the day he’ll either be making a new song or dropping a beat. Many days I come home from school and I hear music. The thing is, he doesn’t have a favorite. He likes all know all of them. To me, it is just amazing.

All this he accomplishes while battling his health issues, which require dialysis treatment three days a week. May God continue to watch over him for many more years.

My father has been there for me all my life. He is a hard worker but makes time for me and my sister. When my mom is working late, he takes us places just to hang out. My dad goes to church, he makes us go too and we sometimes have family devotion at home. My dad is strict but loving; he encourages us to be the best we can be at all times. I love my dad for who he is; he is kind not just to our family but to others.

My dad is not a chef but he likes to grill stuff, I especially like it when he does steak. He likes to exercise and sometimes we all go for walks. We go to the beach and have lots of family get-togethers so I spend a lot of time with my dad.

Dads are import

ant because mothers need help raising their children. Having a good father has helped me to be disciplined and hard-working. I’m thankful to have a father and have him as a part of my life; he is a great role model and friend. My dad is funny too, he watches TV with me and he laughs funny and asks random questions about the show if he wasn’t paying any attention.

Being a dad is hard work, not only providing but it’s about being there for the recitals, bad dreams, scraped knees, and hurt feelings. I love my dad and wouldn’t change him for all the money in the world. Father, Papa, Pops, Dad, and Daddy; all these names for him describe the man I love most.

My father is a wonderful person. Too little understood and I don’t sing his praises as often as I should. My father seems to always be the man who pays the bills. My father struggles daily to live up to “His Image” as protector and provider.

Perhaps that is the reason we sometimes get the notion that fathers are not subject to the thing we call emotion. But look inside your dad’s heart where only God can see. You’ll find he’s sentimental and as soft as can be.

Dads are so busy every day In the grueling race of life. He leaves sentimental stuff to his partner and his wife. But fathers are just wonderful in a million different ways.

Dads aspire for fortune and success and to make the family proud of him and to bring them happiness.

The first reason that I admire my father is he teaches me about the experience. Experience is what you learn from when you go through life. My father always takes care of me first, before he takes care of himself.

My father is special because he risks his life every day at work to provide for us. He works as a prison officer and oftentimes faces danger and verbal abuse on the job just so he can make a better life for my brother and me. I appreciate what he does for me. Now and then we go out and get something as a treat. He is one of the nicest persons I know. He is very generous.

I think dads are important because they are like real-life guides. They show you the way to live as men in society and how to choose right from wrong. I guess you can refer to them as your conscience.

I love my dad because he shows mercy and grace to me on many occasions. He takes me out for treats like chocolate or eating at KFC sometimes even though I don’t always deserve it.

A great dad should provide an equal balance of discipline and a love for God. He should often sit down and talk to you about things in general; your school life, hobbies, or any recent activities. He should celebrate with you for even the littlest of accomplishments. He should try to reach out to you with God in any way or form.

My dad and I do some activities together. When we get together we normally go swimming or play video games. Sometimes we just play football outside in the yard. That is pretty much all about my dad and that’s what my father means to me.

                                                                                                                                                             authored by, 

                                                                          Aaradhya Singh Rajput


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