Father – An Inspiring Person Around


Imagine a person wearing a PPE kit {Personal Protective Equipment kit} and a mass helping and curing people who are in need. Yes, you all are absolutely correct, I am talking a very famous personality that is a doctor. As it is said Medicine can cure diseases but a patient can be cured by a doctor only.

The most inspiring person around you all are doctors, nurses, staff members and police officers. A doctor is a human being like we all are. But sooner or later they realize that they should not give up and they should not stop because one day he/she will be someone’s hope or will someone’s hero. Stethoscope is not just an instrument it’s like a jewellery to them. A doctor is the person who shows us the real importance of life. In this Covid-19 era, A doctor is a great example to us that resembles a sacrifice. Sacrifice for their country. They have accepted the hospital as their second home because they cannot visit their family in this corona period as they are a danger to them.” Dr” is not a prefix it’s a superpower of a doctor. They are lifesavers of mankind and are regarded as next to god because they give lives to human beings by recruiting them. The field of medicine is vast. There are different specifications in the field of medical science like Oncologist, who treats cancer; Pediatrician, who manages the physical, behavioral and mental care; Neurologists, who treats diseases of the brain and spinal cord; Dermatologist, who specializes in condition involving skin, hair and nails; Gynecologists; who specialize in women’s health specially reproductive organs ; Cardiologists, who deals with the problems related to heart and blood vessels; General physician, who provide a range of non- surgical health care to adult patients etc. Doctors receive medical training in a specific field of medicine to deal with complex natural, physical and mental problems. Every doctor takes the Hippocratic oath, and through this oath, they all pledge to follow ethics laid down for medical practices.

From a doctor we can learn how to be patience with patient. We can learn not to give up, knowledge is infinite. If you are a student a doctor can teach you that there is isn’t one right answer. They can also teach that use your curiosity as an advantage. We all can study empathy from a doctor. We can inculcate the habit in us to learn more and more.

The most inspiring person around me is my father Dr. Pankaj Acharya. He is a doctor and had been practicing Homeopathy from 20 to 25 years. He has always been a support to me and to my family. I clearly remembered that when I asked my father that why he for going out in the lockdown period for other people. He calmly replied Don’t repeat it again the people you are talking about are in pain and the day I became a doctor My duty started to help them.

He always maintains his inner peace. When I asked him that what are you reading and at this time when you are already well educated. He said that there is no limit of knowledge. you cannot gain the knowledge of all subjects there will be something that will be left undiscovered because this world is full of infinite knowledge and there is no age for learning. That was the first moral and lesson that I learnt from him. When the Covid-19 second phrase of lockdown began, my father was serving people outside and I was afraid from inside and what I feared came true there was a person that was in contact with my father became Covid-19 positive. My father was home- isolated. I know that he was also frightened from inside but never told. He just kept satisfying us that nothing will happen but the amount of physical and mental stress he was facing cannot be realized or explained by me or any other person. The time was passing. In that period, he followed each and every instruction given by the government like social distancing, use of sanitizer, use of mask etc. After seeing my father, I imagined the other the other doctors must be also suffering like this. I prayed for them and waited. After 14 to 21 days my father was all well. Again he started treating people with kindness and courtesy. I remember the nights when he didn’t come home because of work. He maintains social distancing from us. The life of a doctor is made complexed by the virus.

I have learned a lot of things from my father. When I was studying he told me that first clearly understand the concept of each and every topic. I learned that we should treat people with gentleness and kindness. He always told that If you participate in an event and lose don’t cry you have tried your best and that is important. He told me Enjoy your life don’t curse your present for the sake of future and the past. Past is a history. Future is a history and today is a gift. He is a disciplined person, who is always curious to seek more and more knowledge. He is a person who is full of kindness and generosity.  He is a helper. He is a good son ; He is a good husband; He is a good brother; He is good son-in-law. He is a good father. I am not saying that is not the perfect human being. Nobody is perfect. There are faults in all of us. He must not be the best doctor might be there are more professional doctors than him but for me hi is the best. I am proud of my father. There are many people . I have met in my life few of them influence me and fewest inspire me . We all have different-different inspiration but for me my inspiration is my father.


  1. I love the essay👍👍👍😊😊😊😘😘The way you represented it was very beautiful.👍I hope you will write many brilliant essays in the future.


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