Evolution vs Creation: Did life Evolve !

By By Aituamen Justice Eromosele

          For centuries, many people have been inquisitive to know how life came to be. Several people brought about various concepts as to how this happened. Today, however, there are two major theories of how life came about, on one hand, we have creation while on the other, we have evolution.
          Before I continue let me give honor to who honor is due. Salutations Mr. Chairman, Panel of Judges, My Co-Debaters and distinguished audience. I am Aituamen Justice Eromosele and I am here to oppose the notion which states that life evolved, it was not created.
          Now, I would like to define the three key terms in this topic as per this context: evolution, creation and life. Evolution can by simply defined as the process by which a various living things are believed to have developed from earlier forms during the history of the earth. Creation, on the other hand, is the conclusion that all living creatures came about as a result of an Almighty God making and designing the universe and all the life on Earth. Then, life are human beings and all the things around us that can respire, feed, respond to stimuli, grow, excrete, reproduce and die like plants, animals and microorganism.
          There are many proposed evolutionary processes like punctuated equilibrium, natural selection(or the survival of the fittest) and speciation. A famous naturalist, biologist and geologist Charles Robert Darwin; who is the father of evolution, published a book in 1859, titled the origin of the species, the various elements of the theory of evolution he mentioned, have been stirring up debates even among top evolutionary biologists. So let’s review the theory of evolution.
          The two major points of Darwin’s theory are; (1) different groups of animals evolve from one or a few common forefathers, and (2) the process by which evolution occurs is natural selection. The theory of evolution says that fish evolve into amphibian, amphibian into reptile, reptile into bird, bird into mammal and mammal into human. But this processes lacks an essential component and that is an intermediate form; this is simply the link between two evolving species. For instance, the supposed transitional link between ape and man, ape-man was not found in the present day or even in the fossil record. In fact, the “transitional links and transitional ancestor’s” bones unearthed by paleontologist are thought to be, not proven to be then real link or ancestors so it is not actually a fact, but a rough guess. This is why evolution is merely a theory but not a law. Besides this process has not answered that fundamental question of how life originated initially. Whereas, in creation, it is believed that Almighty God created all the living things on the earth and this has answered the question, how did life originate? So what about natural selection?
          Natural selection is the process whereby organisms better adapted to their environment tend to survive and produce more offspring while those who are not well adapted to their environment are eliminated. If you ask an evolutionary biologist to give you an example of natural selection in nature, he might give you the example of the peppered moth. Scientists believe that light colored moth darker as a result of pollution and became mutated to become dark colored and that the light colored moths were easily eaten by birds, so the dark colored ones became dominant. But I strongly believe that is not evolution but merely variations in various species like dogs, humans and even the finches Darwin observed in the Galápagos Islands. And besides that the process of natural selection or survival of the fittest, still did not tell us how life originated in the first place. Whereas, creation did!
          Another obstacle of the evolutionary theory, is that it cannot answer several questions which creation can. The first question is,  since proteins rely on DNA to form and likewise DNA cannot form without pre-existing proteins, which came first? Protein or the DNA?  Thus, the question arises, which came first? The chicken or the egg? Since, eggs need chicken to lay them, and chicken come for eggs. This question has proved very tricky for scientists to answer. Most of them say it was the egg with various explanations, others are puzzled. On the other hand, the theory of creation provides a straight forward answer to this question. In one holy book, it is recorded that the Almighty God created all the animals, male and female. Therefore it was the chicken that came before the egg.
       If you take a look at a very beautiful mansion with flowers, trees and all forms of decorations, you look at it with awe and you are moved to praise the people who built it. So the second question goes thus, how can something as complex as a living cell not to mention a living organism come to being by chance? To me, this  seem right all.
     Other questions include: how is it possible that dinosaurs suddenly appeared  in the fossil record, with no transitional ancestors before them? possible that dinosaurs, suddenly appeared in the fossil record, with no transitional ancestors before them? And since dinosaurs multiplied greatly, how did they become extinct? And thirdly, since this dinosaurs multiplied greatly, how did they become extinct? Because according to the theory of natural selection, they where supposed to survive. Creation is based on believe in God, while evolution is based on hypotheses. What do you think now? Was life created or did it evolve?
          With these points of mine, I hope I’ve been able to persuade you that life was created, it did not evolve. Thank you!
For more information, please enter this link: Life-How did it get here? By evolution or by creation?

By Aituamen Justice Eromosele, Lagos, Nigeria

Jooble Presents Quarterly Creative Writing Competition


  1. This is actually amazing.
    A very interesting topic though 😏
    But you dealt with it 👌
    The sky is just the beginning 💪


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