Digital citizenship refers to the accountable use of technology while using digital devices and the web to engage with society on any level. It may be interacting with family and friends, learning, online gaming, e-commerce, or anything trivial in the endless ocean of the internet. Digital citizenship basically deals with how we should behave while using various devices and applications.
However just like every coin has two facets, digital citizenship also has negative aspects. The biggest of them is cyberbullying which nowadays has become a grave issue. Cyberbullying is a form of harassment through electronic means and has become a common problem especially among teens; as it is known that the youth is presently engaged in all forms of social media networks. Cyber-harassment undermines a child’s confidence, makes him feel despondent, may lead to stress and depression, or can even develop suicidal thoughts among the juvenile and immature minds. It develops negative feelings and also affects the child’s psychological state leading to pessimistic ideas. A cyberbully can be completely anonymous which is even more dangerous and hurting for the victim.
Apart from this, the spread of fake news, device hacks, irresponsible use of media, and sadly a few more dangers are prevailing in today’s world. So using technology in a more aware and vigilant manner is the need of the hour.
So, here are a handful of suggestions to stay safe online. Parents should discuss with their children about cyberbullying and safe use of the internet and should assure them that in case they find something threatening or uncomfortable then they will always trust and support them.
As users of the internet try to become more aware ‘netizens’. Be careful while downloading files from the internet, make sure to download only from a trusted source. Choose strong passwords and never share them with anyone, have anti-virus software installed on your device, be careful about what you are posting on social media, and beware of emails and messages from strangers. In case you get into a problem; instead of retaliating, share your issue with a person you confide in; a person who you think will help you come out of the entangling problem.
Also, don’t believe in everything posted on the internet, often posts are falsified. To examine critically before spreading/ posting anything as it may lead to rumors. Never post something that you may have to regret later. Never try to insult/ hurt someone with a negative comment.
Digital citizenship is about expressing your opinions, making them reach out to the public, and respecting others. Gadgets and the internet are to be used safely and for causes that are of value; to communicate and know people, to learn new things, to propagate useful information, to encourage people who are sharing their portfolios or who are making untiring efforts towards a particular thing, to motivate others, to raise voice against an unjust ideology, and to put forth your view in an unequivocal way. At last, it is to make lives easier and better. Learn to live in this kind of interconnected world and try to make it a safe, ethical, and fruitful platform.
Be vigilant.
Stay safe online.