“Development That Changed the world”



The development that changed human life is the “Wheel”. The wheel is the most universal tool in the world.  This is calling as “chakra” in Sanskrit. . Wheel is the best invention so and development that made by humans, Wheel is the first stage of development so but many other inventions are making from it, Wheel is man’s great invention.


Till now we does not know who invented the wheel.  Wheel is the very basis of movement. The invention of wheel is most important in the world. We cannot move heavy objects without wheeled objects. The wheel is not a machine it is a simple object. When the wheel finding the it is using to carry the heavy loads by using rollers (small wheels)  .

The wheel is invented by early humans, this is the first invention/development that changing the lives of humans. Wheel is heavy, round shaped object that can be rolling  easily on the ground. This phenomenon  is observed by early humans and used wheel in the bullock carts, and made some objects like steam engine that changing human life is made from wheel, cars, bikes, aero planes, trains, etc.,.

Wheel is the best thing developing  by humans of ancient time. For transportation and vehicles the wheel is first invention. On the earth for transportation the wheel is the first vehicle. On the earth than taking the sliding is very easy because of gravitational force, So they developed the wheel in many ways.  The invention of wheel has been important for the technology in general, important applications include the water wheel, spinning wheel, steam engine, jet engine, fly wheel.

Now a days in 20th century the alloy wheels are widely used. Nearly in 3rd Century the usage of wheel in India is started. In temple car has used wooden wheels and the pyramids are made by using the wheel for carrying heavy weights. In agriculture the wheel is great invention it is used to plough the field by using bullocks and tractors. Steam engine is made by wheel working by using mechanical energy. Steam engine which is made by wheel has impact on industrial revolution. After steam power the diesel engine is made from the wheel .James Watt invented the steam engine. In movies the cameras has wheels which rotate to capture the movie. In the rockets the wheels at the back side are using to move forward using diesel energy.

Wheels is developing as the tyres for automobiles. Humans inventing and modifying the wheel  by using a piece of the wood and created a vehicle to carry heavy loads to save time, then invented the steam engine to work wheels by using mechanical energy, tires are invented for bikes, cars to save some time, aero planes are invented which travels in air and lands on the  ground to save more time and to travel more distance.

First wheels are making from using wood, rock and then metals, rubber. From slow life to very fast life is the only one development and invention that changed the human life is the wheel. Wheel is the best transportation usage. Wheel is using in the Indian flag as a chakra. Chakra is the spinning wheel used by gandhiji. Wheel is using as play things like Giant wheel. Children play with wheel and stick in olden days.

Wheel is using in playing things Wheel is using in agriculture, playing, transportation, etc. The aero planes is which fly thousands of kilometers through air needs wheels to landing and takeoff. Watches and Generators, many gadgets which are essential cannot work without wheel. We cannot have a life without the wheel. Before the wheel invention it takes so many days to travel after the inventions of the wheel the time reducing. Wheel is using in the train, bus, bike and car. Wheel is best mechanical invention in the world.

Till now we did not know inventor who invented the wheel they may get more fame and name. Wheel is using to carry heavy loads. Wheel is life line of the modern world, with this we can go anywhere in the world. In the medical sector, the machines using by the wheel. The wheel is best invention and the important invention by early humans. The modern civilization without wheel is highly impossible.Wheel is the best transportation usage in the world. Wheel is developing  more ways that help humans in many ways. Wheel is the best  invention in the world.


Wheel is only invention that developed and that changed the world.


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