By Sidhartha Mishra


Cycling is otherwise known as biking.We use bicycles in cycling, which may be for recreation, for sport or as a means of transportation. The riders are called bikers or just cyclists.Cycles are of many types.

(1).Unicycles – A vehicle having just a single wheel.

(2).Tricycles – Also known as Trike, is a three-wheeled vehicle.Most common examples are the street rickshaws having three wheels which are used to ferry passengers and loads and as such are for commercial purposes.

(3).Quadricycle – has four wheels.

(4).Recumbent – the driver sits in a laid-back recycling position.It distributes the weight of the driver uniformally.

Other similar types of bicycles are also found.

 A study by Dutch scientists has shown that cycling extends lifespan of a person by around fourteen months.It can protect a person from stroke, heart attacks, cancers, depression, diabetes, obesity and arthritis.It is healthy and fun-filled activity and provides a low-impact form of exercise for all persons of varied age groups.

It gives less injuries and strains to the body as compared to other heavier workouts like going to the gymnasium, swimming etc.One may cycle to the park, schools, colleges, offices, and do the daily activities.It saves fuel and is an eco-friendly means of transportation.It improves the aerobic fitness of a person and uplifts the stamina.

In a nutshell the health benefits can be summarized into a few points like

* increases the cardio-vascular fitness

* tones the muscles and increases the flexibility

* improves the mobility of the joints

* decreases the stress levels

* improves the posture of the person and the coordination ability

* it makes the bones strong

* decreases the fat levels in the body

* reduces depression

* helps to prevent many diseases.

 In research it is shown that a person could burn two thousand calories a week through cycling. It strengthens the heart muscles and improves lung circulation. Bowel and breast cancer could be prevented through cycling.

Hand cycles are also a type of cycles which are powered with the help of hands. It is used by persons with amputation and people having spinal injuries, and also by persons recovering from strokes. The aerobic and cardiovascular benefits of hand cycling is similar to other types of cycling.

Due to the present covid crisis research reports have shown that people have become fourty percent less mobile and active. This could result in another pandemic with health issues like mental ailments, joint pains, obesity, etc. It is highly recommended to take up a physical activity which is less taxing to the health and provides more benefit. Everyone must take up bicycling. One need not go long distances. Just covering the area around one’s locality is sufficient for the day.

The United Nations General Assembly has declared June 3 as the International World Bicycle Day. It is celebrated since 2018 all over the world. The main message shown to the world is that bicycle is meant for everybody; being the cheapest and the safest mode of transportation and the best way of recreation.

History of bicycle

An Italian engineer named Giovanni Fontana constructed a four wheeled vehicle with a loop of rope connecting gears. This information is provided by the International Bicycle Fund(IBF).

Then around four hundred years after this, Karl von Drais built his own version of a four wheeled vehicle in 1813, having no pedals and were pushed forward by the rider with his legs. This was called Draisienne, dandy horse or hobby horse. It was later on banned citing danger to the pedestrians.

Velocipede or fast foot or bone shaker was invented in the early 1860s having two steel wheels with pedals and gear system. The first patent was awarded to Pierre Lallement who was a French carriage maker, though Karl Kech, a German was the first to attach pedals to the hobby horse.

In 1885 Starley introduced Rover having two equal-sized wheels and central pivot steering, powered by gears and supported by chains. During this time the number of bicycles boomed from two lakhs in 1889 to one million in 1899, according to the NMAH.

Beforehand bicycles were a bit costly. However when their mass production began, they became more affordable.

Today, more than one billion bicycles are being used all around the world. And over one hundred million bicycles are manufactured every year. Many types of customizations and choices are available in today’s bicycles.

Tour de France, Giro d’Italia, Vuelta a Espana, Grande Boucle Feminine Internationale and Tour Down Under are the top five world famous bicycle racing tournaments.

Sanat Rath of India owns eight unique cycles which include a fat bike, a tandem bike, a folding bike, a road bike,a penny-farthing, a unicycle, a chopper and a recumbent bike. He holds the Limca book of records for the largest collection of unique cycles. Incidentally he also holds the Guinness World Records for holding the tree pose(Vrikshasana) for the longest time of 1 hr 6 min 55.03 seconds. This feat was achieved by him in Bangaluru, Karnataka, India on 18 June 2020.

                                                                        Authored by

                                                                                    Sidhartha Mishra


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