COVID-19 -an Opportunity

By Jishal Prima Baptist


We all know that this Deadly virus COVID-19 has stopped our lives. Locked everything at our homes, many people are infected, many have died due to this virus. We are aware of that WHO ( World Health Organisation) has declared it as a pandemic. We are wearing masks, sanitising ourselves and of course maintaining social distancing.

Though the government has given some freedom to go outside, but many of us like I as a student of grade 7 at our homes and studying through online classes so that our full years does not go wasted. I always believe that   “EVERY DARK THING HAS A POSITIVE SIDE TOO”,so applying it in my life has always helped to keep myself positive and also happy even during the hardest times of my life. Corona was one such,I got to many new things, I together with my family

Like when I woke up in the morning, I got here the sweet chirping of the birds which I might have never noticed as due to noise and sound pollution during the normal days was very high ,as a result birds were not even seen but due the lockdown as there were not many vehicles moving there was less pollution and our sacred river ‘Ganga’ was cleaner than never before. I also got to admire the nature and the beautiful creations of God like ,  plants and flowers. As there was not any physical activity like when I went to play with my friends in evening before the lockdown so l developed a habit of waking early in the morning and doing some yoga of at least of 30 minutes.As for the online classes I feel very happy that my full 1 year has not gone wasted and living in advanced world has been a benefit to conduct the online classes sitting at the comfort of our homes ,meeting my teachers and classmates this new experience is great though It is not good to have sitting for 2 to 3 hours continuously in front of the mobiles but I like to see always the positive side of the things. As I have many free time so I started participating in many competitions and brought awards, I also got to discover many talents in me like dancing,singing,making craft projects etc.While heard about the deaths happening due to Covid-19 I started praying to God and said thank you to the almighty for giving me a new day to live, as you never know what can happen to you next. I think that I have stopped to procrastinate ( putting things to next day) , I have learnt how to manage my time,I have become more productive and last but not the least ‘ A Better Human Being’. I always lost my temper at small- small things ,now I do not lose my temper and keep clam. I would like everyone reading this to just apply this sentence in your life and you see yourself change –“ LIFE IS A QUESTION AND HOW YOU LIVE IT IS THE ANSWER” life may many problems at you but the one “ WHO WILL BURN LIKE A SUN WILL ONE DAY SHINE LIKE A SUN”


By Jishal Prima Baptist, Punjab

Jooble Presents Quarterly Creative Writing Competition



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