Corona Virus during November 2019

By Ishaan Pangarkar


In the November 2019, when the world was preparing for the upcoming Christmas and holiday season, a deadly virus was spreading slowly in China.
The pandemic that was triggered in November 2019, changed the way people think and live life.

It comes November 2021, and still the fear and worry still looms across the world that caused billions of deaths.

During November 2019, the people in India were happy and looking forward for the light festival, the family gatherings and celebrations.

No one thought the next few months will turn out to be the most scary and hard for all the people across the globe.

The rich, the poor, the old, the young, no one was spared by the virus that was first found in the Wuhan city of China.

Till date no concrete analysis is available about the virus and its origin.
During the December 2019 the the death count in China was swelling very fast.

Though the world was having a close watch on the developments in China, no one thought, the virus already reached the different parts of the world.

Italy, United States and UK got hit badly with thousands dyeing each day.
The speard of the virus went wider and wider.

Beginning of year 2020

The virus crossed occeans and moutains. It crossed continents and countries and no one was spared.

The prime minister of United States Mr Donald Trump got infected with the virus along with his wife. It was a sign, how strong the virus was, and it could easliy break the different walls so easily.

In Italy, the medical facilities could not withstand the sudden pressure and health care system started collapsing with rise in the infections.

Different research companies started working on the vaccination to minimise the infections.
The medicine for the virus was quite far and vaccinating the people to fight the virus was the only option left.

Two companies Moderna and Phizer developed the vaccine and people who got infected the most were given the jabs for the virus.
The virus infected the senior community the most in till this time period.

Mid 2020 and Situation in India

Though the world faced the grim situation, In India the virus spread was under control.
The lockdown slowly was eased and life came to normal slowly. By the end of 2020, though the world experienced different waves of the virus, the Indian government could manage the virus spread.

The air travel was stopped almost completely to avoid the risk. This inderectly affected so many jobs and entire hospitality industry was in darkness.
Travel and tourism businesses had to shut down with no customers for them.

March 2021 and Worry for India

During March and April 2021 the situation for India was horrible. It almost looked as if every other home is gasping for oxygen and struggling to obtain the anti biotic drug Remdeciever.

The drug normally was sold for about Rupees 2500 but people paid hundred thousand to each bottle to save the dear ones.
The black market for the drug fluorished due to the scarcity of the drug.

There was shortage of hospital beds. Long queues, sick people spending days and nights outside the hospitals to get admitted.

How did the virus spread?

The virus spread through human contacts. In India the lockdown was imposed and every thing came to a halt. People who worked in the city started their journey home on foot as there was no transport.

The hot summer made their life so miserable, and no one to offer them food or shelter on the way back home.
Children,ladies, old people kept on walking to at least reach their villege some how.
The city roads, the markets, the shops, the restaurants , every thing was shut down with no hope to open.

Every state and city in India was affected. The densed population helped the virus spread faster.
Government opened different centres to test the nasal or throat infections.
The states made the rules for commuters to carry the negative report for the corona virus test.

During the month of May 2021, the worst hit country was no other than India.
Other countries started offering help in the form of hospital supplies, oxygen cylinders and medications.

Mass burrial sites to cremeate the dead patients were seen in different states.
Medical staff, crematary staff worked round the clock to help the infected people and their families.

This wave called as second wave of Covid-19 did not limit the infections to a specific age group.

The mutatated virus was stronger and infected even young children.
There was still no medicine found for the virus and every one had to rely on the vaccinations. There were long queues and waiting to get the vaccination done.

Awareness and Personal Hygiene

The virus spread made people aware of the clean practices and personal hygiene.Mask to cover the mouth and nose became as essential as cloths.
The entire world started using the mask, irrespective of health condition.

Many offices started the practice of working from home and with the help of Internet, the Information Technology sector almost moved to homes of people.
Working from home saved a lot of resources.
This is one positive change that was observed as people to spend time with their families.

Covid 19 and the impact on the World

The virus caused significant damage to the economies. At the same time the common people realized the
importance of family values. Materialistic mind set was changed and people started thinking about their home and their family.
Though it appeared to be the distruction but it has harder for businesses that depend upon luxury.

The travel banned tought a lesson to the big airline companies who made money through the lavish services they offered.
Self dependent countries could survive the hit as their needs were limited.

Rich countries faced the burns as they made money from the poor countries.
Money could not be made out of visas, air travel, big hotels, entertainment, music shows.
All the fashion shows, sports events had to be cancelled during the span of two years.

The air pollution was reduced significantly in many countries.
The nature felt happy and peaceful.

                                                                 Authored By

                                                                               Ishaan Pangarkar


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