Comparison between Lockdown and Open Environment

By Anushka Chakraborty


Lockdown is a common feature of our country today. We know, online classes are also a common feature today due to lockdown which are the classes held at home itself with a smartphone in the hand of the child with audio or video controlling systems. Online classes are now conducted because of COVID-19 pandemic. This pandemic has destroyed each and everyone’s life. Rather many people have lost their jobs.

Also students have gone to depression  being in home and  not able to interact with friends. This creates distressing thoughts in their mind that makes them mentally ill. Due to this pandemic 2021’s board exams were also not conducted as a result of which education of students has drowned into profound deterioration. Apart from this many students have taken wrong steps in life.  Rather many students have gone into such extreme depression that it is difficult to control them. Before COVID – 19 everything was perfect.

People could roam around seeing the green Earth. What a bliss it was! But now! Everything has been spoilt by COVID – 19’s harsh behaviour towards humans. Not only it is infecting people but also killing majority of them. The situation turns out to be a weaponless third world war. Here our weapon is vaccine and COVID’s,  his strength. COVID-19 has overcast us with darkness but we wouldn’t let ourselves fear it rather we would try to make it fear us. We wouldn’t bow down before it and lose our will power.

Whether  we are infected or not we should fight against COVID-19, by washing hands for twenty seconds properly, wearing mask, not treating ourselves medically but by doctor, or even stay at home to reduce its spread. Then only we would soon be free from home prison and breathe a fresh molecule of air without mask that has become a suffocating job nowadays. Rather try to suffocate yourself now to free yourself in future. So wear mask, save your life and other’s too. Stay home, stay safe, stay outside, stay unsafe, wear mask, save life, don’t wear mask, end life. Hence follow this steps for your benefit.

This will save your life and not anyone else’s. Hence an open environment possibility depends on us and lockdown’s closure too. So, if we stay aware of it, even the paternal ancestors of COVID-19 will not be able to infect us. Even after COVID-19 goes away from this world, open environment will not be available to us. This is because wood cutters are continuously sawing trees which reduces oxygen supply and ultimately harms humans only. Also exhausts released by car pollutes air. Garbages dumped into land fills causes soil pollution. Also factory and industrial wastes are directly thrown down into water bodies without detoxifying them that pollutes water. Trees are an important component of our life. Therefore, try to save trees and keep the  earth green by growing trees. Then only after COVID goes off, a true and holy, fresh environment will show up before us.

                                                                     Authored By

                                                                           Anushka Chakraborty



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