Comparison between Books and the Internet

By Amelia Biba 


Can these two extremely broad and different elements be considered rivals? To me they absolutely can. The fundamental impact they have on the world alone, should be considered a more than valid basis for comparison. As a self-acclaimed bookworm and constant user of the internet, I would think myself worthy of analyzing the two.

Books. A book. Many books. No matter the size, length or theme, if it truly is the book for you, you will be left a changed man, woman or child. There is a book of every topic: from mundane and archaic to the most peculiar. A reader who reads with desire is considered nerdy at best (usually from the younger generation) and rarely intelligent or well-read. Why is that? When did this massive shift in opinion happen? Probably when the ‘’efficiency’’ of the internet, of the computer, nearly took over the world. So much so, that using books simply for the purpose of finding information is usually seen as useless and/or time-consuming.  

The internet. Technology. Phones, computers. They ’re here and developing more and more with each day that goes by. At some point in time, you will have the need to use a smart gadget. And this carefulness of usage is only if you are part of the small percentage of this population who isn’t entirely swept away by the internet. However, it wouldn’t be fair to continue without acknowledging the major positive aspects it has brought us within a short span of time. Except from the magical search engine which provides information of any kind in a matter of seconds, it helps us connect to each-other and the outside world without having to get up from the couch.

In theory this is all very amusing and perhaps enjoyable in practice too, but when 20 minutes staring at the screen turn to two hours nonstop and the will to get up and do something, anything, is suddenly gone, you’ll wish you would have picked up a book instead. But in the other hand, you’d probably be so drained and unfocused (or focused in the wrong thing), that this realization won’t even cross your mind at the time.

It honestly can’t be cut with a knife: Book good and internet bad or the other way around. We live in a world where both are extremely essential but at the same time aren’t equally valued. The majority of our generation is slowly losing the mere respect and appreciation for books. Being born in a world where internet is already invented and deeply entwined with the everyday life, makes it even harder to see the true importance of books.

The love and appreciation for these seemingly simple pages of ink, is a seed grown through time within a person. It has to be cared  for, and actively pursued so it can flourish perfectly. Perhaps it’s also the job of our peers to remind us the significance books have had and will have as the years go by.

Losing yourself in the pages and the sheer thrill one feels at the peak of the story, can certainly not be compared to anything else. We only have to be reminded of these emotions again.

‘’Good  friends, good books and a sleepy conscience: this is the ideal life.’’ – Mark Twain

                                                                                 Authored By

                                                                                      Amelia Biba 


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