Celebrating Diversity

By Dhwani Agarwal


What is a competency? Is it the mere ability to do something efficiently or does it imply that you are dilating your horizons of ability and going well beyond your capacity to give the most efficient outcome?

On the other hand, creating competencies imply generating an environment of coherence and nurturing cultural diversity in order to build on expertise. Competency sparks when we surround ourselves with people having diverse perspectives and when inclusion outweighs differences.

In today’s work scenario cultural diversity has not only become common but also aids in bringing variant minds together to produce through imaginative skill and foster a healthy and competent foundation. Recognizing and celebrating differences results in an increased range of ideas and there forms a wider talent pool to choose from.

There goes a very popular saying ‘Too many cooks spoil the broth’. But what if all the cooks are regionally different. One may conjecture that they might not be able to decide upon the cuisine and hence end up with an empty plate. But let’s take a look at this from a slightly different angle. All of the cooks put forward a dish maneuvering their ethnic culinary competency. Now, we have a plate which the consumer will most definitely savor and prefer as he’ll get to taste different styles and cuisines in one single platter. Here, the too many cooks have not spoilt the broth but rather given the broth an upper edge by aptly celebrating and accommodating their cultural savoir-faire.

A wise man once said ‘Life is not about being complacent, it’s all about being competent.’ 

By Dhwani Agarwal


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