Book Review of “Jungle Book” By Rudyard Kipling

Rupak Das


We read various books of stories written or composed by different authors and some of the books really touch our heart deeply. A book can be anyone’s an excellent companion during leisure time, and a good book especially novel can enchant someone. Novels of different languages deserve a special, and through these novels we can realize the depth of feeling which is expressed by authors in their novels. Children are fond of various short stories such as fables and fairy tales and these books are enough to make their childhood graceful. The authors are famous throughout the entire world for their compositions and their expression through own languages is really amazing.

Among the various types of story books, and novels, ” The Jungle Book “,written by the famous English writer Rudyard Kipling and the book has not only won the heart of children, but also mesmerizes the people of different ages. Still now, ” The Jungle Book “story is enjoyed by the people of whole world, and also animation films have been made on this thrilling story. In this story, we can see how a young boy named Mowglie has been brought up by the pack of wolves, and the hostile relation with the tiger named Sher Khan.

Life History of Rudyard Kipling ​​​​​​:

Rudyard Kipling was born on 30 th December 1865 at Bombay, India where his father John Lockwood Kipling was an artist and the principal of Jeejeebhoy Art School. His mother’s name was Alice MacDonald Kipling.His parents moved to India from England and they were British citizens. When Kipling was 6 years old,his mother decided to send Kipling to their country England for education. When Kipling was old enough for college, his parents did not have sufficient money to afford the expenses, so he returned to India. Later he got a job as a writer on a newspaper. He used to write short stories when he was in school in England, and a publisher bought his collections of short stories.

After that, Rudyard Kipling went to USA and married a young woman Carrie, and again returned to England. He with his wife travelled a lot at times living in Canada, Japan, South Africa but lack of money forced them to return back.It was while living there Kipling became very famous as an author and was also one of the highest paid authors in the world. In the year 1907,Rudyard Kipling received the most important award Nobel Prize in the field of literature. Between 1919 and 1932 Kipling travelled intermittently, and continued to publish stories, poems, sketches and historical works.

The Story of” The Jungle Book :-

“The Jungle Book ” is a long story in which the journey of a human child named Mowglie has been described in jungle with wild and ferocious animals. In this story, a very unique fact has been shown by Kipling, is that how an infant can be well adopted and brought up by wild animals that means a amiable relationship has been shown between human and animals. The wolves found the infant named Mowglie in jungle and the wolves not only brought him but also took care of him as like their own cubs.All animals of the jungle were very close to Mowglie, that seems Mowglie could understand each word of the animals. But there was a tiger named Sher Khan who always wanted to kill Mowglie at any cost,and the beast attempted for several times.

Mowglie was so lucky that he was always protected by a black panther named Bagheera because Mowglie and Bagheera were very close to each other. Here in this story, we also find Bagheera not only protected Mowglie but also guided the young boy in jungle by different ways as a true guardian and well wisher. Mowglie also got a lot of love from the mother wolf, as Mowglie became a member of the wolves pack. At the end of the story, we see that how Mowglie managed to kill wicked foe Sher Khan by his intelligency.Really ,the whole story is very much interesting and especially to children, this is more thrilling enjoyable.

“Now ,don’t be angry after you have been afraid. That’s the worst kind of cowardice. ”
Rudyard Kipling

This is a famous quote made by Rudyard Kipling from his story “The Jungle Book “,and this quote is very much didactic indeed. Really very few stories are there which are as interesting as “The Jungle Book “. In the year 1936,Kipling died and also he had the honour of being buried in London, England the Poet’s Corner,at Westminster Abbey. Rudyard Kipling will always remain as a bright star in the world of literature and he was one of the greatest writers that the world had ever seen.

                                                                 Authored By

                                                                                     Rupak Das


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