Biodiversity conservation


Importance of Biodiversity conservation

Introduction of Biodiversity
Biodiversity is the variety of living organisms that exists on the earth. It includes plants, animals and humans. etc. Biodiversity forms life on planet. It includes diversity within species similarly between the species and also of the ecosystem. It is the inspiration of life on earth. It consist of an environmental ecosystem which makes it possible for millions of species, including humans to co-exists

Levels of biodiversity
1. Ecological diversity – bioregions, biomes, landscapes, ecosystem, habitats, population.
2. Species diversity – domain, kingdom, phyla, class, order, families, genera, species, sub-species, Individuals.
3. Genetic diversity – Genome, Chromosomes, Gene, Nucleotides.

Threats to biodiversity
• Pollution
• Global warming, climate change, weather
• Over consumption due to population growth
• Improper use of natural resources
• Competition from other invasive species
• Natural disasters
• Habitat modification
• Habitat loss and fragmentation
• Poaching
Loss of biodiversity – Most serious is the extinction of species

Types of extinction –

1. Natural extinction
2. Mass extinction
3. Anthropogenic extinction

Factors contributing to extinction

Habitat loss, Intensive agricultural, over exploitation, pollution, alien species invasion, disturbance& degradation, co-extinction, forestry

Importance of biodiversity –

• Agriculture – Sourcesof food and improved varieties.Thisis also called as agricultural diversity
• Stability of ecosystem.
• Sources of fibers.
• Medicine – Provides drugs, medicinal plants.
• Scientific value
• Fuel
• Industrial material
• Ecology – nutrient cycling & regulation, water cycle, nitrogencycle, carbon cycle.
• Interdependency of different aspects of life on earth in providing overall healthy ecosphere (interdependence of one animal on the other)
• It provides ecosystem necessary for human survival.
• Recreation
• Education and research
• Traditional value

Biodiversity conservation

Biodiversity conservation means saving the life forms on earth and keeping natural ecosystem functioning properly as well as healthy. After knowing the importance of biodiversity for existence of life, there is need for conservation of this biodiversity and only humans can realize, initiate & set strategies for conservation of this great biodiversity

Types of biodiversity conservation

In situ conservation – Special reserved areas
1.National parks & wildlife sanctuaries
2.Biosphere research – terrestrial & marine
3.Sacred grooves, sacred lake

Ex-situ conservation – Includes
1.Botanical gardens, arboreta, zoological gardens, aquaria.
2.Seed banks, field gene banks, and cryopreservation.
3.Sacred plants, home gardens.

Measures for conservation of this biodiversity

  • use of land
  • Forestation
  • Fishing management
  • Hunting management
  • Dredging rivers
  • Establishment of wildlife conservation national parks, sanctuaries, zoo

Process of conservation of biodiversity

1. National assessment –Costs and benefits
Country study –
a. Data collection –

  • Biological and physical
  • Threats
  • Socio-economic
  • Programme, policies, and legislation

b. Identify gaps and potential conflicts.
c. Identify range of possible measures.

2. Strategic planning – national strategy or action plan

a. National strategy

Goals and objectives
Issues and priorities
Resources requirements

b. Proposed actions –

Environmental impact analysis
Social impact analysis
Costs and benefits analysis

c. Actions – actions to be taken for conservation and sustainable use

d. Evaluation of strategy and their implementation

e. Reports to the biodiversity convention and record

Author – Gayatri Sudam Sonawane 


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