Bhangarh Fort


Bhangarh Fort is a 16th century fort built in the year 1573. It was built in Rajasthan by Bhagwant Das for his younger son Madho Singh. The materials used is stone and brick.

The coordinates of the fort is 27o5’45’’N 76o17’15’’E. Currently its owner is Government of India. The fort’s precincts are well preserved.

The Fort is located on the border of the Sariska Tiger Reserve in the Aravali range of hills in Alwar district of Rajasthan. The nearest village of the fort is Gola ka Baas. The Bhangarh Fort is located at the foot of the hills on slopping terrain. The ruins of the king’s palace are situated on the lower slope of the hills ; trees surround the pond area and a natural stream falls into the pond within the premises of the palace.

The Fort is located 235 kilometres from Delhi and the approach to the entrance gate of the fort in the last 2 kilometres stretch of the road is unpaved. The fort is 20 miles from Thana Ghazi.

According to legend , a sadhu lived within the fort area , and it was his injunction that any house built in the precinct of the fort should not be taller than his own , and if the shadow of any such house fell on his , it would result in destruction of the fort town. According to another story, a magician adept in black magic named Sinhai fell in love with Ratnavati , a beautiful Bhangarh princess with many suitors. One day, the magician followed her to the marketplace and offered her a love potion ; however , she refused it , throwing it onto a large rock that consequently rolled onto the wizard and crushed him to death.

One can find temples, palaces, and havelis while entering through the main gate of the completely ruined fort city. There are four more points of entry to the fort – the Lahori Gate , the Ajmer Gate , the Phulbari Gate and the Delhi Gate. At the entrance of the main gate are many Hindu temples such as Hanuman Temple , Gopinath Temple , Someshwar Temple , Keshav Rai Temple , Mangla Devi Temple , Ganesh Temple and Navin Temple. The Gopinath Temple is built above a 14 feet raised plinth, and yellow stones are used for the exquisite carvings of the temple. The residence of the priest, called the Purohitji Ki Haveli, is located in the precincts of the temple complex. Next in order is the Nachan Ki Haveli and Jauhar Bazar, followed by the Gopinath Temple. The Royal Palace is located at the extreme end of the Bhangarh Fort’s limits.

The temples are dedicated to Hanuman and Mahadev are built in the style of cenotaphs rather than temples. Jhiri marbles has been used. A Muslim Tomb was also found outside the gate of the fort is reported to be that of one of the sons of King Hari Singh.

Now , there may not be ‘Haunted’ written in neon on the information boards at the site, but surely the constant urging by Archeological Survey of India to leave the premises before sunset clearly indicates something. The boards clearly say it again and again that it is restricted to stay within the environs of Bhangarh before sunrise and after sunset. There have been many incidents of getting lost and even deaths in the area , hence the precaution.

Bhangarh Ka Kila could be the only tourist place in India, where the entry of foreign tourists are not freely permissible. They need to obtain special permit to gain entry into the premises. It is not only the Fort story but also the fact that among the tourists getting lost in the region, there’s a large number of foreigners which angered the government officials owing to their disregard for rules and caused them to take the strict step.


Freaky Incidents

i)As per the locals , a group of friends sighting in Bhangarh caught the glimpse of what seemed like the apparition of a boy in a house without a door but a grilled window. This and many other stories rumored to be true, around here.

ii)It is completely forbidden to stay inside Bhangarh Fort at Night. Archeological Survey of India has put up boards at several spots in Bhangarh warning against staying in the premises after sunset and before the sun rises. You can hear strange noises from inside the Bhangarh Fort premises during night time and the air gets charged with an uneasy heaviness. It is said that spirits or ghosts roam inside the closed gates at these hours and the place becomes a hotbed for paranormal activities. In fact the locals believed that, whoever who has attempted to stay back in the fort or the nearby area after dark , has never returned to tell their tale.


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