Benefits of Reading


A Hobby a day keeps the doldrums away!
Hobbies are those beautiful distractions that keep you away from your melancholy times. They give you a feeling of serenity and immense satisfaction. A hobby should be something that is productive and keeps you and your mind afresh and relaxed.
Almost everyone has hobbies, but some people might just unaware of their hobbies. When someone asks them about their hobbies they seem bewildered .And when you Google about hobbies you will find that some of them are already a part of your daily routine but you are oblivious to them.

Reading, writing, singing, playing, dancing, painting and many more. There are infinite numbers of hobbies that you can inculcate in your life. Out of them one such hobby is reading that keeps you growing throughout life.
Barack Obama stated – “Reading is the gateway skill that makes all other learning possible”.

Benefits of reading

It increases your intellect, creativity level and imagination. It exposes you to new information, new things and new ways to handle onerous situations. Helps you to explore various new things that eventually helps you in near future. We all know Knowledge is the key to success and books gives us a lot of knowledge. Hence, having knowledge about different things, about life will make you smarter and sparks your imagination.

Reading spiritual books or true stories of those people who have faced a lot in their lives and still accomplished their dreams can motivate you. You can extract mountainous amount of knowledge from these books and fulfill your mind with positive thoughts.

Research has shown that people who read literary fiction stories show a heightened ability to understand the feeling and beliefs of others. Researchers named this ability the “theory of mind”. But a single session of reading literary fiction does not spark this feeling. Long term fiction readers have better developed theory of mind.

Reading also provides you with a large stock of vocabulary. This vocabulary not only helps you in school and college level exams but also helps you to get good scores in various competitions like SSC, banking, Civil services examinations etc.

People with the habit of reading various books do not find any difficulty during preparations of an exam. As they already have immense knowledge, great memory and a habit of studying for long hours. A person with a hobby of reading has a lot of career opportunities in his/her life. He/she chooses their aim more cautiously than others as his/her mind is equipped with better cognitive skills.

Career opportunities

If Someone wants to become an astronaut he/she can go for books published on stars, galaxies, astrophysics etc.On one side reading these books will multiply his/her curiosity and interest in science and technology. On the other side these will keep him abreast with current scenarios.

Similarly, if someone wants to go for civil services he/she can read some non fictional books that definitely helps him.
While reading different books your head fills with new bits of information everyday and you will be better equipped to face any challenge.Moreover, regular exposure to the writing skills of different authors will definitely influence your writing skills and you can become a good writer.

In the future, an ardent reader can think of becoming an acquisitions editor. For this, your bachelor’s degree is sufficient.One can pursue master’s degree in library science to burgeon in the field of librarian.A reader with good writing skills is like icing on the cake, job of content editor is apt for him.Similarly teachers and books are like magnets, always go hand in hand. So, if you have a hobby of reading, teaching will be a trouble free profession for you. You will remain connected with your hobby as well as your profession.


George R. R. Martin stated “A reader lives a thousand lives before he dies”
Hence, I think everyone should try to develop a hobby of reading. It’s not like that you have to study big books everyday.Reading even 3-5 pages of a book of your interest everyday will increase your intellect.Moreover it helps in the growth of your mind which was not getting used earlier.

According to a 2009 study at the University of Sussex, Reading can reduce up to 68% of stress and just 6 minutes of reading can improve the overall health.
We all know this is an era of huge competition, day by day the queue is increasing as various opportunities are being explored.

If one has great cognitive skills and better imagination power he/she can easily make his place in this highly competitive world. And this is possible only by inculcating the habit of reading in daily routine because it helps you to understand every concept in a better way and could lead to your dream job.

Today a reader, tomorrow a leader!
Keep reading!











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