The words of a pen are powerful!

POWER, STRENGTH, MIGHT– These are the words to describe something so small, seeming insignificant and useless. From ages, past and generations have gone by its been misused and paid less attention to. To this day THE PEN is one of the most powerful commanding objects.

The one who lays hold the pen is a well educated, informed, and learned man. Talking and good vocal prowess has been termed one of the most powerful tools of reaching and connecting. However, no one has paid attention to the fact that the voice of the pen is actually the most powerful. A good vocal prowess is actually a messenger of the pen. Each of these words said in speeches are always constructed with a pen.

This is something unusual and very mind-blowing. Celebrities, writers, doctors, poets, engineers, people of substance reputation, and educated men are guided and birthed by the pen. Many of which their names still live on and strike a chill down the bones today; even if some of them are dead simply because of their findings and doings. Without the answer to the call of the pen, their respect, inventions in the society would have gone down 6 feet, as if they had never lived.

The words of a pen are powerful

Man has made numerous inventions. We have found ways to communicate easily {including to foreign countries}. News now migrates from one end of the world to the other within a second. Man does a lot of amazing things today. Man can predict the weather, go to the moon, doctors have found ways to treat and cure ailment and viruses. which formerly were incurable. All this and more has been possible by the knowledge, understanding, and application of the magic words formed by the pen. The pen is indeed the mouthpiece of the mind.

The wonderful masterpiece invented, dates back to over 2000BC. Over time the pen has won many countries their independence, and world leaders have used it to obtain the jewel of their freedom. This powerful device can birth millions with a single stroke. The pen crafts words and these words have unusual power. Words naturally have power to cajole, influence {positively or negatively}, end tears, and carve smiles. Words can be healing to emotional wounds and terminate fears. Smart words can make a wealthy and happy in the future. On receiving birthday cards it’s not the beautiful cover that matters but the words in it and these words are channeled via a pen…What a powerful object!

Brute force will never be as powerful as wisdom and wisdoms first channel of being expressed is through the pen. So while on one hand, the sword tries to fight battles, on the other hand, a pen can end a battle and terminate a war, unite the world and generate global peace. The pen has the capacity to end wars and place every one at peace living without fears. The words crafted by a pen are always better than the fallen blood and violence of the sword. Violence will bring you nothing but death and burdens, but the pen will bring you grace, peace, success, strength and wealth.


The power of the pen is so great and deserves to be a life time billboard number 1 as the sword will bow to its knees. Destroy the sword and live in the agenda of what the pen hold for us which are peace and knowledge. Throughout history, we have looked up various disputes and heard their success stories. Have you ever thought about what was a binding deal common to all apart from their strength? It was the well detailed writings. While others tackled enemies, there was a group probably who seemed insignificant that wrote and rapidly spore the word making people aware of the happenings.

The gains by the sword are temporal, non-willful, and very much illegal. However winning by the pen is winning skillfully and wisely. The invention of pens has basically fueled the basis of our Evolution. It is through pens that we could write and pass information for generations to come. The greatest pieces of art from powerful writers or the greatest discoveries in science, (Newton, or da Vinci ) would not be the knowledge that is easily accessible, if not for the invention of the pen. The words of a pen are powerful.

Today, with the evolution of technology, pens are now being replaced by smart phones, tablets, and laptops, and the use of pen is constantly depreciating. However, pens will go into records as one of the most powerful, important inventions of all time and in the history of mankind.




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