An inspiring person – A. P. J. ABDUL KALAM


    Inspiration or to inspire is to stimulate, motivate and encourage. There are handful of inspiring persons in this world and one of the inspiring person around me is Dr. APJ Abdul Kalam. He had written many quotes and one of his famous quote is “Dreams are not what you see in sleep but is which doesn’t let you sleep. APJ Abdul kalam’s full name is Avul Pakir Jainulabdeen Abdul Kalam. Reading stories of access of greatest inspiring professionals stimulate motivational enzyme within us.

    Now, with this aim I would like to convey you a small on Abdul kalam (“The man who taught us to be the human first”) success. Generally Dr. APJ abdual kalam is popularly known as people’s 11th president from 2002 to 2007, He was known as the chief brain behind India’s attainment of the nuclear status in the global arena and also he was also known as the missile man of India for his work on development of ballistic missiles and space rocket technology.

    It was noticed that the presence of condolence messages about the demise of APJ Abdul kalam on the banners near the tea shops and auto rickshaws. At first, that was very surprising, and wondering to the people that why this shop owners are displaying his pictures and messages. Then everyone has understood it was because this man has travelled everyone’s heart in a meaningful way

    An ineffaceable mark is created in the minds of millions of Indians by our “people’s president “Dr. APJ Abdul kalam. He always preferred to converse with people directly instead of using web or media. He was also less aware of protocols and security measures. He loved spending his quality time mostly with students in various schools,colleges and universities to interact with them and to inspire to be the better individuals when they grow up

    There are many numerous experiences of people who has been deeply motivated by his honest care, affection and thoughtfulness.It was one day, under a very tight project launch a scientist who was working under him needs an early leave as he has to take his son to exhibition. Deeply engrossed in his work he totally forgot about his parential duties and it was three hours late when the scientist realised that he forgot. Then he went back home with a guilty heart he was amazed to know that his son was not at home,but was at exhibition.It was Dr. APJ Abdul Kalam who was noticing that the scientist was not at all learning his work. It clearly shows how much he valued his men because it is the men who makes or breaks an organization.

    He was the one of those respected souls in this country whose contribution to our society as a scientist, leader and president has been most prominent. He loves sharing knowledge and motivating people towards the big picture of life. Even, APJ Abdul kalam’s parents were unknown that one day their son APJ Abdul kalam will become the first citizen of India. APJ Abdul Kalam was born in a very poor family and he was soon understood that he has to go through his own education by all the possible means.

    From a very small age, kalam started earning money his and his families by distributing newspapers. However, turned him away from gaining knowledge. His thirst to gain knowledge compelled him to complete his studies successfully. After he has graduated in engineering in the tear 1960 ,he had joined in DRDO (The Aeronautical Development establishment of the defense research) and development organisation as their scientist

    This multi dimensional persona was a well known scientist exhibiting enormous and end less for science and technological research and development.

    Hope and wish this story on success of Dr. Abdul Kalam will inspire us and can change every individual in a right path


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