All You Need to Know About Snapchat Planets

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Source: FollowPedia


Snapchat has introduced a fun and creative feature called “Snapchat Planets” that allows users to explore a virtual solar system within the app. With this exciting addition, Snapchat users can embark on an interstellar journey through various planets, each offering unique experiences and interactions. In this article, we will delve into the world of Snapchat Planets, exploring their order, meaning, and what users can expect from this captivating feature.

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Source: FollowPedia


Snapchat Planets Order:

When you embark on your journey through Snapchat Planets, you’ll encounter a visually stunning sequence of planets, each aligned in a specific order that mirrors the arrangement of our real solar system. Starting from the closest planet to the sun, Mercury, to the farthest planet, Neptune, the order of the planets unfolds with a sense of cosmic wonder

As you tap on each planet, you will be transported to its unique space, where a plethora of creative filters and augmented reality (AR) effects await your exploration. For instance, Venus, being the planet of beauty and creativity, offers vibrant filters that allow users to enhance their photos and videos with artistic flair. On the other hand, Mars, representing adventure and exploration, provides dynamic filters that inject excitement and energy into your snaps.

The Snapchat Planets feature is more than just a collection of filters; it’s an immersive experience that encourages users to unleash their creativity and imagination. By tapping into each planet’s unique offerings, users can elevate their storytelling and express themselves in new and captivating ways.

Snapchat Planets Meaning:

The Snapchat Planets feature offers more than just a visual representation of planets. Each planet in this virtual solar system carries its own significance and represents various aspects of Snapchat’s functionalities and user interactions. By tapping on a planet, users can unlock unique filters, stickers, and augmented reality effects related to that specific planet’s theme.

Snapchat Planets List:

Here is a list of the planets featured in Snapchat’s virtual solar system:


As the first planet in the Snapchat Planets journey, Mercury sets the tone for your interstellar exploration. Just like its real-life counterpart being the closest to the sun, Mercury represents the beginning of your adventure into the world of Snapchat Planets. Here, users can expect to find basic filters and effects that lay the groundwork for their creative endeavours. With a simple and user-friendly interface, Mercury offers a smooth introduction to the captivating features that await on the other planets.


The second planet in the order, Venus exudes beauty and creativity. In the realm of Snapchat Planets, this celestial body symbolizes artistic expression and offers users a plethora of vibrant filters and augmented reality (AR) effects. These features allow Snapchat users to add a touch of elegance and flair to their photos and videos, enhancing their visual storytelling. Venus’ delightful filters enable users to showcase their artistic side and elevate their snaps to new levels of creativity.


Representing a connection to friends and followers, the Earth planet holds a special place in the Snapchat Planets lineup. Just like our home planet fosters a sense of community, this Snapchat planet offers interactive stickers and effects that facilitate engagement with your audience. Whether it’s fun emojis or interactive elements, users can express themselves and strengthen their social bonds through shared experiences on the Earth planet.


The red planet brings a sense of adventure and exploration to the Snapchat Planets experience. Users can expect playful and dynamic filters that add an element of excitement to their snaps. Mars’ filters can turn everyday moments into thrilling adventures, immersing users in imaginative and entertaining visual narratives. As you journey through Mars, you’ll discover an array of filters that amplify the energy and enthusiasm in your snaps.


Known as the largest planet in the solar system, Jupiter symbolizes growth and expansion on Snapchat Planets. As users venture into Jupiter’s realm, they can access filters and effects that magnify their presence and make a bold statement. These powerful features allow users to stand out and capture attention, making their snaps truly stellar. From bold colours to eye-catching visual effects, Jupiter empowers users to reach new heights in their creative expression.


Recognized by its prominent rings, the Saturn planet represents transformation and innovation in the world of Snapchat Planets. On this celestial body, users can explore futuristic filters and AR effects that add a touch of magic to their snaps. Saturn’s innovative features push the boundaries of creativity, allowing users to create snaps that are out of this world. With its enchanting visual effects, Saturn sparks imagination and encourages users to experiment with new ideas.


The Uranus planet stands for uniqueness and originality, offering one-of-a-kind filters and effects that let users express their individuality. As users explore Uranus, they’ll find a diverse array of filters that celebrate personal style and creativity. This Snapchat planet encourages users to embrace their authentic selves and showcase their unique perspectives through creative snaps that resonate with their followers.


As the final destination in the Snapchat Planets journey, Neptune signifies mystery and imagination. On this dream-like planet, users can immerse themselves in an array of filters and AR effects that transport them to fantastical realms. Neptune’s filters blend reality and imagination, enabling users to create snaps that evoke a sense of wonder and magic. With dream-like visual effects, Neptune offers a captivating conclusion to the interstellar adventure on Snapchat Planets.


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