Albert Einstein

By Manpreet Kour


No one knows everyone but everyone knows Albert Einstein yes I am talking about the great personality Albert Einstein the one who placed the world with science there were many wars in history but there was a birth too the birth of Albert Einstein he made world think differently he taught us how to be the best out of waste he instructed the world how to be everything from nothing He was the one who changed whole Earth society to think everything in a advantageous way.

we say to be born in a poor family is definitely a curse but he told us that being born in a family with poor status is a boon and a blessing. The birth of the Albert Einstein was a day of the dore in history his success made world think and see everything differently there were many wars which taught us some thing like war of Hiroshima attack when first nuclear weapon was launched or the invention of wheel and electricity they all made a change in world but if we think deeply about it these all are linked with Albert Einstein how let’s see Albert told that not only thinking how much effect nuclear weapon caused in Hiroshima let’s think how much was thinking changed for having wars again and again after thinking about the image of Hiroshima .

He told that invention of wheel Caused life easy but in future there might be more because humans Can’t Stop creating he was always a bag of thoughts. How much babbling continuously we have done now let’s see how Albert Einstein made world think and see differently. See, Albert Einstein give many theories which changed the life and made living in life easy like : he created relativity gravity space ,time universe and new physics and much more extra.

the make of modern Chemistry he also made us understand the light and solar panel and this made our life very easy and looking the world in a easy way but else then these things he taught us one thing more and this thing made other discoveries only a small point but what was this thing was it his formula E=MC square no; it was something else now let’s talk over it Albert Einstein was born in a low class and a poor family he didn’t have such high standard that he could afford science kit his teacher always used to tell him that he is a dumb boy and he is the laziest one his teacher used to scold him because he didn’t score well in exams but Albert Einstein thinking was that this bookish knowledge will never make you anything play and learn from nature and he followed his own instructions then only he became Albert Einstein the great scientist he taught the world that no matter what world think about you you may do what ever you want what your passion is.

Believe in yourself and focus on your goal this was the thing That made world think that no you are the one and only so believe in what you dream According to me this was the thing that made worlds thinking changed and be positivated At the end I would say that no matter what world think about you do whatever you want because in the future you will owe what you dreamt not the world.

                                                                      Authored By

                                                                                     Manpreet Kour


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