Adieu 2020

By Shwetha A


Hey, the year going to end

Biding adieu is a must,

Try not to abhor those days

Instead, pray for all the 

Good things happened in your life…

Now you are today with your loved ones.

Yes, it was a year,

Which taught us the lessons,

We learned to hold a sword and fight…

We learned how to lead a simple life..!

We didn’t get the pen to scribble

About what we wanted to,

Instead, something more was written 

inside the blank sheet of paper…

A few compromises,

A few resentments,

A few togethernesses…

It may turn you upright…

But we had to travel the defined path…

Finally, the single year changed our lifestyle…

It made us endure the love of a family…

Everything was covered with snow,

Hard to breathe, hard to digest…

And all, the reality was like biting a bitter guard

Swallow the air and blow it off…

Pray that all the struggles will payoff…

The running clock says,

For the new thing to begin,

Another must end…!

Finally we all matters…!!

Everything matters…!!

By Shwetha A


  1. This victory remains solitary gladly seeing your diligent work and devotion. This honor makes you sparkling in the middle of names and fame. Continue going in your life and accomplish your every dream with your diligent work….Congratulations dear twin on your accomplishment…….

    Hope you will win in the competition…All the best wishes……

    • I am forever grateful for the meaning you have added and continue to add to my life…I am blessed to have you dear…It’s all your kind support and prayers that adds a shine into my life…I don’t know how thankful I am for you, my built-in best twin…..

      Thanks for your healing words daa🥰😍😘


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