“A writing hobby which can lead to a dream job”

Writing as a hobby.

“A writing hobby which can lead to a dream job”

How amazing it would be when,
Your hobby and your career collaborate.
It would be a wonder when,
Your heart and brain communicate.”

Hobby is for what; you put your soul and mind into it. Thinking about how passionate and skillful you are, gives rise to innovative ideas. It would be great if you choose it as a career option as the will lead to the job of your dreams. Considering about writing hobby- to a dream job, there are many gateways to pursue your dream. So here are some Tips & Guideline ….

Writing is an open book of your thoughts. Many of you consider it as a source to free our thoughts, ideas, emotions; some may consider it as a hobby & some have a career based approach. Writing is the only source where you can express your views passionately. Writing can be in many forms i.e. poetry, content writing, article writing etc.

Writing is – As follow
 Observation
 Imagination
 Write-ups / Implementation
It would take a great effort to travel from “unknown” to “known” but your efforts will definitely make your journey easier and memorable. One should enjoy the journey towards your dream.

What u need is
Numerous persons are dedicated and hardworking, but the one conquers who uplift his Hardwork, by a touch of Smartwork.”

1. Skill.                                                    2. Dedication
3. Hardwork.                                                        4. Smartwork

To pursue your hobby as dream job, you must start from somewhere………… As you may not be that creative at beginning. But, your dedications will definitely help you to be better each time. Here are some steps to follow….

# Skill development.
# Participate in essay / content / poetry         writing contest.
# Training from certified institutes.
#Obtain certificate for official writing.
#Must start from somewhere. Prepare your     own blogs; publish your work on   distinguished websites / apps
# Encourage yourself for daily writing.
# Growth
# Search for jobs available through various     online – offline modes, as a content writer   for  different people / companies.
# Try to be more creative towards your work.
# Remember to start first by publishing your   content at social media site and then once   you are prepared, find for appropriate jobs.   Don’t forget to give your best shoot.

Career options

Type of writing you may prefer for job –
Content writers and the roles
Creative writers
Social media writers
Technical writers
User interface writers
Advertising copywriters
Research writing
Medical writing
Web copywriting
Copy editing
Brand journalist
SEO content writers
Travel writing
Screen writing
Article writing
Content writing
Play writing
Academic writing
Poetry writing
Freelance writing
Script writing
Proof reading
Magazine writer
Software companies
Online shopping portals
Book publishing portals

Institutes for training
 ECT is government recognized content writing training institute.
 Ace institute.
 Creative content writing course – IIM.
 IIM Skills content writing course.
 Henry Harvin writing academy.
 Digital academy 360.
 Medical writing course.
 Stratford Career Institute.
 Mindler – Career Content Writing Training.
 IIEDM – Content writing courses in Mumbai.
 LEADS – Content writing training.
 Coursera.
 Inventateq.
 TBS Institute.
 Content knock out – Monica Samuel.
 UDEMY content writer course.
 Free online creative writing course Bundle- Skillshare.
 Ninja writing – The four levels of writing mastery –UDEMY.
 Writing tools and hacks – copywriting / blogging / content writing- UDEMY.
 Writing with flair – How to become an exceptional writer – UDEMY.
 Complete web content writing Masterclass – UDEMY
 Margaret Atwood – Masterclass

This course includes duration depending upon each course, fee structure, live classrooms, presentations, videos, assignments, quizzes, certifications, writing tests, support, home jobs, become a certified writer. These institutes put genuine efforts which make you capable to achieve your goals.

 Ann Handley – Everybody writers
 Willam Brohaugh – Write Tight
 Steven Pinker – The sense of style
 Sol Stein – Stein
 Jeff Goins – You are a writer

Finding jobs websites / apps
Freelancer, peoplePerHour, Amazon, Findeavor, IFreelance, Problogger, textbroker, proz, authentic jobs, college recruiter, onsite, TheSunMagazine.org, NewMyths.com, AQReview.org, GrainMagazine.ca, ThreePenyReview.com, OrionMagazine.org, Hallmark.com, SomeECards.com, BlueMountainArts.com.

“Your dreams, your ambitions, your imaginations, your happiness; Only you make it worthy or worthless, Only you can be the reason for it, to fulfill Life of various expectations”

What all you need is – An appropriate flat-form to publish your work, and an appropriate client. Try to complete your work before deadline. Be enthusiastic and prefer original write-ups.
Writing and reading always goes in hand in hand i.e. a good writer is always a good reader. And if you are interested in reading too; you may have number of amazing job options. Some are listed here,
1. Translator
2. Editor
3. Librarian
4. Narrator
Your passion will definitely help you to reach where you deserve. Don’t rush, at the beginning first fulfill the demands and work of one client and then go for another. This will help you to work happily, and you will not have burden / stress. Once you have experience then you may decide your own perspectives as per capacity so that you will be definitely paid better for each work.
Never be too job oriented, first increase your capabilities, observation, imagination etc. and when you are strong enough to handle situations you may search for job.

References / Websites
• www.google.com
• www.collegedekho.com
• www.quora.com
• www.pinterest.com
• www.yourquotes.com




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