A Teenage Trauma: Debunking the notion of science’s superiority over commerce



A study? A documentary? A memoir? Call it whatever suits it the best, but for me it is a rant and vent out document. No, seriously, I mean it. Why? A commerce student who entered or is entering the stream after 10th knows. It feels like committing a sin that deserves capital punishment or something. But how? Why? Who started all of these stereotypes? On what basis? In the 16 years of my life, as far as I remember having the maturity to understand conversations, I’ve never even envisioned an Indian asking a teenager why he/she chose science, but a million questions that may not appear in a thriller film’s interrogation scenes would appear if he/she had chosen commerce.

Probably the problem was not the concern on what stream we choose or how we go about with it, the actual issue is them getting to receive updates on our lives. Rather than disgracing the art of comedy by calling it funny, I’d rather choose to refer to it as my usual one, ‘The Indian Drama serial’ that no one wants to watch, yeah, relatives. I’m sorry, but not sorry, that is not called concern, that is called ‘stereotyping, discriminating, prejudicing, spreading hatred, giving mental pressure and torture, establishing superiority over two different poles and finally the best part – self boasting!” OMG that’s a lot, but the last one is just the chef’s kiss. “My son is in Computer Science, what did your daughter choose?” Well the question could have just been the opposite too, “What did your daughter choose?” and the following answer should have been the fact that X’s son chose computer science. But no, making sure information insults the second party is our main motive right? Making faces is the subtle art they master, and probably all those who chose commerce should be Mark Manson’s heir.

Superiority Established-WHY?:

Making sense is so hard sometimes, that too to those illogical gossip spreading set of people, we must approach through logic which again we don’t know if they would understand, so let me try my best. To present facts, I googled “Why science is superior?” and guess what? I didn’t find one single credible(established) source! Now that’s a fact, but again, I must present facts to prove I’m right, so I googled again. But this time “Why is science superior in India?” and I literally found documents that would love watching commerce feel inferior infront of science.

Maybe it’s just us, we can’t take in anymore pressure or give in some to argue against it and that is being taken as an advantage to put us down. Basically, reasons stated why science has been superior ever since are as follows

India has been achieving in science and technology ever since ancient times

The evolution of India was based on science

Science is one of the highest contributors to economic growth

The higher capital investment by the country has been in and around science

But wait, with all due respect, may I show the main picture?

The Rebuttal-WHY NOT?:

The fact that India has been achieving in science and technology was met by a historian. The evolution of India and the economic growth derived from its performance was measured by an economist. And about the capital investment, well who invests? Who calculates? Who announces? Honourable Finance Minister Nirmala Sitharaman? I’M SORRY, she pursued Economics as well.

Every single pin that moves in science is backed by a student who went through trauma because of these people in science for choosing and studying commerce. The fear that has been injected in every teenager of being judged, of their family being questioned, is indeed mental sickness. Accusations cannot be made, on pinpointing anyone, but answers are what we deserve. What more bigger issue pertaining to teenagers can anyone find? Well I have more.

The Pride-WE!:

Commerce has always been one, we never had a difference in subjects nor in the vision. More than being proud to have been having the history of never calling ourselves superior or claiming to be tougher than any other than subjects that ever exists, I would now love to make a mention to all those 12th graders, college students and aspirants of commerce who have the lot of syllabus that NO SCIENCE STUDENT CAN IMAGINE.

Writing this gives me immense pleasure to voice their feelings. Adding on, JEE and NEET are those two exams that we all know. It is so deeply saddening to witness so many students in depression, pressure and suiciding under these names. This happens everywhere, even in commerce, I’d never refuse, but the pride is, commerce NEVER WITNESSED A SCAM. The diversity in choosing we want and the guaranteed security in that itself is a win to each and every commerce student. A CA can opt CS, A CS can enter banking and what not? A bio-math student can do computer science but not vice versa at the primary, leave JEE and NEET.

The Pressure Cooks:

Coming back to all those great humans who sacrificed their time to invest in our businesses, Hey!. Firstly, to parents of those kids who chose science. Congrats, your child loves a brain breaking subject, but it has nothing to do with our parents who we either tried our best to convince for us to choose commerce, whom you’re trying to confuse to break our career or who are very happy with us choosing commerce and want us to pursue and go ahead with it.

Second, to those parents who forced their child to take science, please don’t make our parents be a part of the murder you are commiting on a budding dream. Third, to those completely irrelevant humans, relatives or friends, whatever you would want to claim yourselves to be ‘concern’, ‘advice’, ‘views’, ‘opinions’, and ‘judgements’ are fairly different things that you must understand are of no use to us when it comes to our careers. For example, even if one of us is jobless and wants one, or is in need of money or food, you are NOT GOING TO BE THE FIRST ONE TO HELP. Lastly, dear folks, fear is not the solution, pressure is not permanent and all of these ‘people’ aren’t as well. Proving them wrong is not a win neither are arguments, with a smile, wait for that year when you would audit the science kids’ accounts.

Kill the Bias

Kill the Bias? Call those relatives and ask them to talk to the bias. Seriously, only when the society is literate and mature enough to understand that science and commerce go hand in hand, this permanent teenage anxiety of streams would end. The point is, parents inject this fact in their kids that there is politics in between streams which is in fact more depressing to know as it is being passed on to generations and is not being let stop. I realize that I’ve addressed the ‘people’ who have caused this a lot, but to those affected,



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