A possible World War 3


The current conflict between Russia and Ukraine has captured the attention of the world. Several bombs have been dropped, on Ukranian land no less. This act has claimed and endangered the lives of innocent civilians, who are now fleeing the country. Russia is one of the nine countries that have nuclear bombs in their possession.

The fact alone is an area of concern, and when the Russo-Ukranian war began in 2014, the news only became a reason for more distress. This massive land is threatening to shatter the peace the world has been trying to strengthen for decades. Russia’s current president, Vladmir Putin refuses to listen to reason and continues his efforts of dominating Ukraine. The entire operation is solely based on Putin being convinced that Ukraine “belongs” to Russia. Others speculate it might be due to Ukraine’s rich oil and mineral deposits, or the fact that Ukraine is becoming more westernized and developed. While these are all just theories, the facts are that most families have both Russians and Ukranians in them, and the brewing situation is causing many to become refugees. Around 5 million people left Ukraine ever since the war began.

The instability of the area has also caused an economic impact, from property damage, million-dollar bombs and missiles being wasted, tourism coming to a stop, and many more. Things have been queting down recently, yet even so, world leaders are still tense as sparks between Russia and Ukraine might fly once more. Should the situation escalate, it would pose a threat as great as the previous world wars. Nonetheless, with the entire world offering them support, and with the resilient persona of the people of Ukraine, we can breathe a sigh of relief at the moment as the citizens of Ukraine are settling down again.

My opinion on this whole matter is quite straightforward. I believe that Vladmir Putin’s position should be taken away from him immediately. This man, in his quest for money and power, has put lives, even of his own people, at stake. Even his own country has turned against him. Russians might be facing discrimination this very minute for something that isn’t even their fault. A president should look out for his or her people, not bring them further harm.


                                                                                                                                                                Authored By

                                                                                 Aarushi Mendiratta  


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