A letter that would never reach


Dear Tata,

Probably it was all when I learnt what you meant for people who had nothing to own at least when they needed the basics. Once rich, always rich – by heart. Once wise, always wise – by knowledge. Once great, always great – for humankind.

A man who sat at the highest of positions in an empire of companies rejected a lifetime achievement award for his pet being sick. A man who invested lakhs on manufacturing reflecting belts so that stray dogs can wear them and escape accidents. A living saint who spent all his life serving people on all that he earned which made him lose the chance of appearing in the list of the richest.

66% of earnings being donated is no joke. Which human on earth in the world of selfishness would even attempt to be generous? But for me Tata, the word was meant for you. Generosity didn’t define you, you defined it.

Sometimes in life, the purpose seems so vague. The order and the progress puts me down, but every single time I look at you, I wonder how. How can a person be a visionary at ease? Being you was never easy for you, was it? You were you, with no harm and effort, but that has made you to be the one who everyone else wants to be, who everyone else would look up to. I always wanted to ask you why. Why not celebrate? Why not enjoy it? Why not be lavish and luxurious?

But only when you are not here anymore physically, I understand, you are the richest man by your deeds. Even after so many other people go away, they are mourned for a few days, months maybe, but you are beyond words. You will reside in the hearts of people like me, as an inspiration, or probably as an elderly family member who would always remain the closest to our hearts.

Working with you has always been a dream. The dream that many openly say is to become rich. With cash, bank accounts, bunglows, cars and jets. But my dream is to become Ratan Tata rich. I want to have everything, to give away. I want to build monuments with the stones people throw at me. I want to be you sir, I want to follow the paths that you patched and left for me to pursue. In life, I’ve always heard people say to never be like anyone and set an example for people to be you. That example I always looked at, look and will look up to is the name Ratan Tata.

Many more entrepreneurs may appear, they may get inspired of you, they would take up CSR, but ever since I knew you sir, as a middle schooler, I knew you as one of the best human beings that the world will never be able to witness again.

People say, hierarchical positions, family business and a lot more. But what you are known for sir, is not Tata Sons or your surname. It is for the lives that you’ve eased in leading. It is for the virtue that you’ve undertaken to create a moral society.

Nobody else, NOBODY ELSE could have preached on and followed you more than I ever did. Every single research project of mine in business and industries still has your name in it. Indeed, the best souls on earth never get an extension of life, I felt it. Wishing that you stayed with us for a little longer may not make your practicality happy. I wonder if anyone ever wondered if the new born Ratan was actually a revolutionary. Realization and acceptance falls in place when maturity is to know that a birth has to end in death. Your absence will create a huge difference, but your presence will still prevail with people who you served and people who you still inspire. You will always be cherished and remembered. May the greatest of the souls rest in peace.

Forever ignited,

S Keerthana Manasswini

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