A discovery that change the world(YOGA)


More than 264 million people in the world experience depression and anxiety, and are taking drugs for relief .more than 80000 people suicide every year. The situation is getting worse. More than 12 million people die every year due to bad health. In such situation India gave rays of hope to the world by introducing to the world ‘yoga’ – a great discovery.   Great prime minister of India shri.Narendra damordardas modi in his speech had also mentioned ; yoga is an invaluable gift of India’s ancient tradition and is a holistic approach to health and well being .Yoga is a balance state of thoughts and intellectual .yoga is to maintain equilibrium of the mind in any situation. Yoga is derived from a Sanskrit word ‘yuj’ which means to unite or combine .the word yoga means to combine two things or bring them together.

Lord Krishna defines yoga as -; yoga karamusu kaushalam .

Karma – action /behavior/any change in time and  space ,

Kaushalm –skill or efficiency

The practice of yoga believed to have started at early dawn of civilization .yoga is mentioned in the Rig-Veda. Later yoga gurus from India introduced yoga to the western. Tirmualai krishnamacharya auyurvedic healer , scholar and yoga teacher born in chitradurga ,Mysore kingdom is known as ‘’father of modern yoga ‘. He also had extensive knowledge of orthodox Hindu ritual. krishnamacharya had held degree in all six Vedas and travel in india to promote yoga .

Yoga has eight parts-









But why it yoga so important ?

Yoga isn’t a religion ,

But it is a way of living towards ‘a healthy and in a healthy body’

Yoga exercises charge one’s body and helps to-

1) Remove negativity and negative thoughts in mind.

2) Increase self – awareness

3) Helps in focusing

4) Reduce stress and tension.

5) Promote self healing

6) Help in attention and concentration power which is very important in student’s life.

Benefits of yoga –

The person who practices yoga can control their mind, body and soul. By practicing yoga a peaceful body and mind is achieved.

It helps to manage your stress and anxiety and make you and your body and mind relaxed. it helps to increase flexibility in body and help in proper  circulation of blood in whole body. it also aids in weight loss. Improve one’s immunity which very important ant in today’s life of corona time one must have good immune system for fighting against novel sars corona virus. In lockdown all the gyms are closed so yoga can be very helpful for all. Yoga also improves respiratory system.


Asana are of following types-

1)     Tad asana – tad asana means standing in stable position.

Benefits- body remains active and stress free. This asana help to increase height .reduces obesity

2)  Vrikshna – this depicts standing like a tree.

Benefits –strengthens the leg muscle . improve nervous system. Give strength to concentrate.

3)padmasna – in padmasna ,position is like a lotus flower.

Benefits-this asana increase digestion. Knees and ankle become flexible. Helpful in backache as it strengthens the back bone.

4)Bhujangasana – shape is like a snake.

Benefits- it prevents backache. It helps in maintaining gap in the bones of vertebral column. Clear constipation.

5)Trikonasana-body form triangular shape

Benefits- strengthen the lungs. Strengthens leg and neck muscle.

6)shalabhasana- similar to the shape of grass hopper

Benefits- spinal cord becomes flexible ,digestion increase , it helps chest broadening, clears constipation

7) chakraasna- asana is like wheel

Benefits-it emoves stomach related problems , useful for waist.

8) gaumukasana –the shape of this asana is like the face of cow

Benefits- it strengthens leg muscle and make them flexible. It also make shoulder joint healthy

9)sarangasana- a person stand on his shoulder in this asana

Benefits- increase appetite. Decrease enlarged belly .increases blood circulation

10) halashan –body shape is like a plough

Benefits-vertebral column become flexible. Cures backache . it keep component of stomach in good condition.

Yoga helps to cure almost every disorder in body.

Yoga is also beneficial for depressed people. According to Harvard mental health letter , recent studies suggests that yoga can ;

Reduce the impact of stress

Help with anxiety and depression , improve energy

Yoga can also  lower blood pressure  ease breathing  .No matter your age , you are old or young you are male or female yoga is beneficial for all . all should do yoga daily as-

‘yoga is the journey of the self,

Through the self ,

To the self..


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