A development that changed our society: Education for Females


Development is a must for our society and a happy mankind. There are many synonyms for the word development. Sometime it becomes negative for some thinkers at the same time, the same development becomes breathing oxygen for some lives. This means, what actually matters is the way we see the development, if it is satisfying one’s expectations then it is good if it doesn’t then it is bad. We heard many real stories from our mother and grandmother of their past. They were not graduate and it was not surprising that they haven’t seen the colleges even. They faced many discrimination and extreme behaviours from the society. That was very much normal behaviour towards the womanhood at that time. It feels very disgusting when you hear about such incidents but yes, at the same time it records in your mind that you cannot travel into the past and change whatever happened with them. Then a development took path towards our society and in course of time, that path got broader and larger. The female members of the society got educated. Education for females was the best development for our society. They came to know that what is wrong and what is right for them. They started raising their voice according to their interest. Their voice has got the strength of the storm and sharpness of blade. The male members of the family always wanted to protect the female members from the outer world. They always wanted to cherish them in a safe and secure environment so they decided to impose strong decisions in most of the aspects of the life. It may be any rituals or any family functions, male members of the society were holding the right to take the decisions and the female members were not allowed to speak or suggest anything in that regard. The females wanted to suggest the best for the family but they were told that it was not their cup of tea, they were told to handle the kitchen and children only. The male dominated society made them realise that women were blind for the outer world, they have not seen the world beyond the four walls. All the untouchable goals and untalkable views were under their reach now. The womanhood has got wings now and education was the key which opened the cage, now it was the time to fly. Their mind was beaming of the strong and firm words and now they have got their own voice to express it in the society. It was not at all that easy for the women to be so hard because the storm creators were none other than their parents, in-laws, relatives and friends. The storm creators did their job very well and always tried to stop the words a woman wanted to speak. The things have been changed now, the dark night has gone away and a beautiful sparkling sky came in our view. We started experiencing the taste of liberty. A woman neither wanted to be worshipped as Durga nor wanted to live life like Sita ji. We would like to be whatever we are. We are human beings, have got mind which can calculate that what is good and what is bad for us. We have got beautiful heart which is very pleasing, which is made to think over big. We have got beautiful eyes which can see beyond the views. We carry lives throughout our life, woman has taken birth to give birth and if we are not satisfied then how can we cherish the life on the earth, how can we have a happy society. Don’t resize our feet, please allow us to choose our destiny. Womanhood is the beauty of nature we are the most beautiful creation of God. Education has given wings to us, let us fly, fly very high in the sky. We are made to nurture the life on the earth, we will cherish it with all Love and care and a strong mind and bold personality. This development has enriched our lives. Now women are capable to see beyond the walls of their houses. Their suggestions are welcomed now by the society and their views are heard and accepted as per the situation. This development has brought happiness and prosperity in our lives and it was much needed for a developing society.Our society discovered that for overall development, the woman education is must. As a result, many reforms have been done to promote education for females. Women education became ladder for India to become developed and prosperous India.



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