Book Review – “Atomic Habits” by James Clear

Nishika Vyas


“All big things come from small beginnings. The seed of every habit is a single , tiny decision.”
-James Clear.

Above mentioned words are quoted from a very prominent book, named “Atomic habits”by James Clear. In this book. he tries to inform us about the power of taking small decisions in life . No matter how big are your goals, Atomic habits offer a proven framework for improving our habits day by day. It’s not possible for a person to change their bad habits overnight but it can be possible if we continue doing small set of good work every day.

And if you find any trouble changing your habits , the problem does not lie within you , it’s in your system. Bad habits became your habit only when you did them repeatedly. You do not remember your goals and so the bad things are your habit now. Atomic habits will help you understand the importance of start doing good as then only you will become the best version of yourself. You will feel confident and get control of your life. This book helps you to get a proven system than can take you to new heights.

Success is the product of daily habits. It comes with a price and that is discipline. If you wish to get victory by continuing your bad habits, I must tell that it’s just not possible. This book teaches us the significance of taking small steps that are good for your overall performance in life. Here, the author draws our attention on the most proven ideas from biology, psychology and neuroscience to create an easy-to-understand guide for making good habits inevitable and bad habits impossible.

He makes us acquire a knowledge of how to make time for new habits even when life gets crazy . Also, we get to know about how to overcome a lack of motivation and will power. Reshape your surrondings to make success easier and get back on track when you fall.
Sleeping early, cleaning your ambience are considered as very minor steps for getting on track but this book helps to understand that you actually don’t have to make enormous changes in life but instead you can make real and important changes with small modifications in your routine like waking up five minutes early .

In fact this book clearly states that there are only 10 simple steps that you need to follow in order to create exceptional changes in life . You just need to make certain changes and you will definitely get incredible results but this is only possible if you make good things as your regular habit otherwise it won’t take time to completely vanish as before. As it takes regularity to get in shape for achieving your goals and succeeding by good means . It helps us to be the better and the best version of ourselves.

It is a kind of book that will reshape the way you think about success and winning and gives you strategies and plans that you need to transform your habits. It provides you with lot of motivation and plannings for things that you can do and accomplish your true goals. It help people of any age group and it does not matter whether you want to achieve small goal or a big one, it will definitely help.
Also, the author reveals exactly how minuscule changes can grow into such life altering outcomes. He uncovers a handful of simple life hacks that you can easily follow. Along the way , he tells inspiring stories of Olympic gold medalists, leading CEO’s and distinguished scientists who have used the science of tiny habits to stay productive , motivated and achieve goals.

These small changes will have a
revolutionary effect on your career, your relationships and your life.
Talking about the author, James Clear is an author, entrepreneur and photographer in more than 25 countries. He is the author of No.1 New York Times best seller , “Atomic Habits” , which has sold more than 5 million copies worldwide . He has spent years honing the art and studying the science of habits. Lastly I would like to end this essay with a very famous quote by James Clear from his book Atomic Habits –

“Goals are good for setting a direction , but systems are best for making progress.”

                                                                 Authored By

                                                                                  Nishika Vyas


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