Healthy Lifestyle




Health is very important. It’s how you define it and how you express it.

We are so busy in our life,our work,our daily routine,so we forgot to ourself,our health.

We all know that the health is a precious dimond we also afraid to lose it but we can not do anything to keep it healthy,we only think about money, due to this we compromise with our health. Health is very-very important think in our life specially in current time,we all know that for our life we should have to prevent ourselves form disease in any possible way,but again we ignore our health.

So,Let we all promise to ourselves that we try to maintain our lifestyle healthy we all add a exercise session time in our everyday routine,We try to eat healthy so we keep healthy.

We all think that healthy lifestyle is only for our body that’s means physically but no we have to also maintain our emotional health.

It is important to maintain our body will but it is also important to keep her sisters free and depression free. In the current day we are very busy, we have no time to think about our life, our health, for our body. That’s result we are suffering from types of disease and problems like depression, diabetes obesity, heart disease etc. This all is a price of our bad lifestyle of our bad nutrition our bad habits. If you want to keep healthy so first of all we have to start physical exercises,yoga or aerobic etc. We also have to take a balanced and proper diet and we have to quit our bad habits. I know this all is not easy but we have to do it we have to divert our mind from all those things. 

We have to do meditation for our mind,we have to meet good persons those have positive nature and we have to try to keep calm in every situation.

We have to do good things instead of doing those bad things. So we all are becoming physically fit as well as mentally fit also.

Budha said that “HEALTH IS THE GREATEST GIFT” so that it’s our responsibility to keep it well and live a healthy life. So let’s promise today to ourselves that we do exercises daily by running commerce jogging Homer playing sports or dancing whatever you like to do, eat three balanced nutritional meal a day with all food groups. Mental health is as important as physical health for healthy lifestyle and very important avoid harmful habits like smoking drinking gambling etc. Healthy lifestyle helps you to live longer. 

A healthy person do more better things than an unhealthy person. If you are unfit than I think you can’t do any work more effective as compair to fit person. Mental and physical health is directly proportional to each other so every person have to fit in this both the way. If you are physically fit than you do any work more effective and if you are mentally fit than you run your life much more smoother.

A healthy lifestyle is essential for a longer and peaceful life.

Maintaining of super lifestyle will give you a healthy body and features to make you look good and smart. This is not an extraordinary thing this is only to have a proper discipline and determination to stay fit will help you to achieve your goals. 

I think or I hope that anyone who will read my artical he or she will inspire from it and may her or she will keep some change in those life’s after adding a exercises time,yoga time whatever they like to do as physical work in daily life routine, also do meditation, talk with family and friends for mental peace for better mind thought listen music for calm mind. If anyone do anything that i said in this artical that was a great achievement for me and my artical. 

So now let’s end our talk here with some quotes which inspire me a lot I hope it will inspire to you to:- 

1.Take care of your body it’s the only place you have to live.(Jim Rohm)

 2.Every human being is the author of his own health and disease.(Buddha)

  1. The cheerful mind perseveres, and the strong mind hews its way through a thousand difficulties. (Swami Vivekananda)
  2. The doctor of the future will give no medicine, but will instruct his patients in care of the human frame, in diet, and in the cause and prevention of disease. (Thomas Edison)

                                                               AUTHORED BY

                                                                              SHOBHIT RANJAN



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